I've never had these yellow rabbits not breed. I've even raised their fry to find out it was another africans kids!!! Be sure you want to breeed and have an air pump / tank salt and a few pepsie bottles laying around for the raising of shrimp for the fry (only for a few days and you can crush the heck out of your flake food)
the yellows dance quite well.
One thing is that they get beat up by most other africans of the same size.
I kept the male and female in a ten gal. tank with their brood recently. neither mom or pop bothered the three sets of babbys. But, mom bit pops eye out.
(grew back looking fine btw and supprisingly it seems to even be working).
point 10g no no no.. 20 long perhaps if you neerly divide the center and put plenty of rocks.
I have a 75 with a fair amount of rocks and plastic weeds, and I'd say thats cutting it. (but mine is a room divider so only one small "back" wall
55 gal will work fine too.( nice long shape for running)
Make sure you have a 10 gal running on the side for beat up fish and to put moma (or perhaps pops) after they are starving from keeping fry in the mouth.
one little castle/cotage ornament has always worked for me. They stay in there and you will only see a little head poking out to see what you are up too.
Some guppy holders in the main tank work fine as well if you dont have the space.
Funny thing is that once they get accustome to these (esp if you have more agressive africans in there) they might not want to leave. You can leave the top off and one side down. They will jump out to feed and run back into the holding tank for about a week.
fun stuff those yellows