Electric Catfish Help


New Member
Jul 12, 2006
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I have an electric cat that is about five inches. I was wondering if anyone could tell me anything about their behavior. I have mine in a sand bottom tank and I'm having a problem with my sand escaping from the top of the tank. Has anyone had this problem before? i have a theory about the sand getting charged and jumping out of the tank. Any other information on these fish would be much appreciated.
I havent a clue why your sand is coming out of the tank Lol never seen or heard of anything like it before.

These catfish should be kept on there own as 1, they are predators and 2, when scared can give a shock that would seriously hurt and even kill other fish in the tank.

Once happy they should swim around the tank and even recognize you with food. However some keep them selfs to them selfs and can be quite boring imo.

Feed with any meaty foods and if they dont come out during daylight hours make sure food is put in the tank over night (hour after lights out)

E cats are the aquatic equivilent of a bulldozer and will spend all day pushing sand and rocks about in their continuous search for anything they can eat, i had to remove all the real rocks from my e cats tank as i was worried he was going to break the glass with them! Your e cat is probably swirling the sand up with his nose and then knocking it out of the tank with his tail.

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