Electric Blues


Happy to be back!!
Oct 16, 2003
Reaction score
Southern IL
I have a chance to get some electric blues,and before I do does anyone keep these? Could you share some info? Tankmates,etc? They're tiny for now but I can upgrade when I need to. Please share keeping experiences,I'd like to know what I may be getting into.

Thanks. :)

(I have a choice between these and Jack Dempseys. :crazy: )
Uh-oh. Looks like we have another case of the 'common name' syndrome.

There are a few Africans that can go by the name "Electric Blue". Most commonly it would be one of these.

Melanochromis Johanni
Scianochromis Fryeri.

Two very different fish. Do you know which one it is?

Also what size tank are we talking about?
They are Fryeri. :)

I was going to keep them in my 3 foot tank until I get the 55 gallon cycled and humming. They're small for now. I know I'll need to get the 55 going fast,but for now will they suffice in the 3 foot tank? I won't be mixing any other kinds with them now or in the 55. Are fryeri super aggressive?
Fryeri are not too agressive, but as usual you want more females then males. They will do fine in the 3 foot for now, and fine in the 55 later on.
Thank you,cichlidaddict. :)

I researched them online and they didn't break them into subspecies,just all in general Electric Blues.

Much appreciated. :)
I have some and I know freshmike keeps a few. Mine are very young and when I first purchased them they were barely colored. Two males, two females, all they did was fight so I took one male back and now everyone is at peace. They spawn constantly! The females are young though and they always swallow the eggs after the first few days. You'll enjoy them, they do get big but not too big :)
hi all im glad to find this thread on electric blues the one i was looking at getting (not sure of the name) is a juvenile and is an extremely bright blue, and those are the only kind i have ever seen. cichlid addict do you how these are bred? i was told you need an albino dempsey to makethis possible but that doesnt sound too legitimate. any info that anyone has would be awesome because i am looking to keep these fish as well. thanx pete
pete, they breed like most mbuna - a male and a female ;)

The males are the 'electric blue' color, while females are just a drab brown-grey.
ok im getting a 50g soon. and im moving my fish from my 20g to it. so i have a emty 20g. i wanted to get some electric blues. think this would be an ok size for mabey... 3-4 months? (the electric blues that he was tlaking about about the less agressive kind.)
cichlidaddict told me it would be allright temporarily. I'm in the same situation. Got a 55 I gotta get goin,and I'm ganna hold a group in my 20 until it gets ready. I'm getting some that are small. I don't think adult sized blues would tolerate that.

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