Electric Blue Crayfish In My Community


New Member
Nov 27, 2011
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I have had an electric blue crayfish for some time but I recently introduced it to my densley planted tank with dwarf gourami, fancy guppys, velvet swordtails, crystal red shrimp, corys, and my chinese hillstream loach (borneo sucker). So al of my fish sleep on the bottom of the tank and my crayfish walks past them without caring, he is well fed on dried shrimp and has a netsork of pvc piping with holes that pop up all over the tank...like a burrowing tunnel system. This doesn't apply to blue lobster, they are a lot bigger and will eat your fish. Make sure your pants are rooted before introduction. Not all of these are killers!!!!!!!!
If they are the alleni like mine are its a matter of time. I thaught people saying they woould eat the fish were crazy. Then one day my male decided they looked tastey and started going nuts. About a week later my female was dangling off of plants upside down snagging fish as they swam by. It all depends on the temperment of your cray supposedly too If your can cohabitate then I will gladly say congrats just watch em close. as for the live plants my male will not touch them but my female will shred anything green in seconds :p
If they are the alleni like mine are its a matter of time. I thaught people saying they woould eat the fish were crazy. Then one day my male decided they looked tastey and started going nuts. About a week later my female was dangling off of plants upside down snagging fish as they swam by. It all depends on the temperment of your cray supposedly too If your can cohabitate then I will gladly say congrats just watch em close. as for the live plants my male will not touch them but my female will shred anything green in seconds :p

North American Cray and fish dont mix. possibly something to do with(the cray) being kept at too high of a temperature. possibly.
Allani and Clarki, though capable of surviving and living at above temperate temperatures, are best kept in a tank on their own, and at sub 80f temperatures.

Never, never, never, never with tropical Fish.

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