elderly man attacked by 3 dogs


Fish Crazy
Mar 5, 2003
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My grandfather just turned 88 last tuesday and he spent it in the hosptial. He was taking a walk in his naighborhood when the next door naighbors three dogs got loose and attacked him. He was rushed to the ER by my uncle. X-rays showed that he had a factured pelvis, and three fractured ribs. When the ribs fractured it punctured his lung and they had to do surgery. Of course there were bites across his body as well. They were very deep. He spend five days in the hosptial and now he is in a nursing home. The trama of the even has caused him to loose some of his saneity. He tried to pull out the chest tube that was put in to keep his lung inflated. He fights with the nurses about going to physical therapy and can't always remember where he is.

The owner of the three dogs has admitted to knowing the dogs have bitten a person before in her home. When the policy went around asking naighbors for information a naighbor came foreward and said he was also biten by one of the dogs before and will testify in court. He never filed a complaint because the dog never broke the skin. At this time the dogs are in the hands of animal control. A court date is set to dicide if the dogs should be put down.

The policy want to place a felony against the owner of the dogs on top of the dogs being taken by animal control and posiably being put down. This just proves you never know what can happen.
That is so sad, those dogs should have been put down before if they have already attacked. What breed were they? I hope your grandfather will be okay.
Poor man. A shock to an elderly person can make them go a bit strange, they just can't take it at their age. I hope he gets better soon. My mother has just recovered from bacterial meningitis at age 79, it's surprising what old people can get better from. All the best.
A couple months back while I was living in an apartment complex, a new neighbor moved into a house across the street. He had two pits, one tall male, and a really staulky female. The guy worked all day and the dogs would get out of the fenced back yard and sit in his driveway. They seemed to be guarding the property and growled, barked, and chased the neighborhood kids that got too close.

Well a couple weeks after he moved in I woke up to screaming. I threw on some cloths and ran outside to find my elderly neighbor standing in our tiny flower bed on our side of the street, with both dogs at her feet barking. Edna (the little old lady) is in her eightys and had hip surgery earlier this year, so she barely gets around. I ran out and stepped between her and the dogs and scolded them and told them to go home. Which they immediatley did. The dogs seemed just as scared as Edna was.

One of the other neighbors called the cops and Edna was still histerical when four cop cars showed up. It turned into a day in court for everyone and some large fines for the dog owner. The whole thing was so sad because in this case the dogs did not and have not bitten anybody, but they should not have been running loose.

Makes me ya should need a liscense to have a pet.
Lilmolly... I'm so sorry to hear about your grandfather! What a traumatic experience that must have been for him. :-(

Sending thoughts and prayers for his speedy recovery!
jasmine said:
That is so sad, those dogs should have been put down before if they have already attacked. What breed were they? I hope your grandfather will be okay.

The reason why I didn't mention the breeds was because two of the three of these dogs were the breeds that already get a lot bad publicity. (breed banning and such) I am a strong believer that owners and breeders make dogs turn bad not the dogs them selves. If you get your dog from a puppy mill or backyard breeder that only cares about money and doesn't breed for health or temperament you surely can't expect that to be the dogs fault. The same goes for a owner that fails to train their dogs properly. Both have the same result: dangerous dogs.

If you really must know they were a cockapoo, a pit bull, and a german shephard.
lilmolly said:
jasmine said:
That is so sad, those dogs should have been put down before if they have already attacked.  What breed were they? I hope your grandfather will be okay.

The reason why I didn't mention the breeds was because two of the three of these dogs were the breeds that already get a lot bad publicity. (breed banning and such) I am a strong believer that owners and breeders make dogs turn bad not the dogs them selves. If you get your dog from a puppy mill or backyard breeder that only cares about money and doesn't breed for health or temperament you surely can't expect that to be the dogs fault. The same goes for a owner that fails to train their dogs properly. Both have the same result: dangerous dogs.

If you really must know they were a cockapoo, a pit bull, and a german shephard.

What the heck was the cockapoo doing with those 2? :unsure: Pits and Sheperds can be nice dogs...but most are bred and trained to be mean.
I went to a petstore and one of the workers had his 2 dogs. A pitbull and a hybrid thing. :lol: I walked up to them and was petting the white pitbull and she was licking me, then went to look at fish. I heard a stream and peaked out of aisle. There was a guy covering his head as the pitbull cocked her head and barked. He was saying, "Is it gonna bite me?" :rofl: And it's tongue was reaching out trying to lick him. LOL!!! That was funny. But, it is sad. People think all pitbulls are bad. So the guy went around all the tanks to avoid the dogs and looked at fish. The 2 dogs were playing tug of war with a deflated ball. :fun: So I chuckled and went back to looking at fish. Then, I here "Be careful!!! It might bite." It is a parent with kids edging around the 2 dogs. :rolleyes: It is good to be cautious around dogs, but come on! It is pathetic.
I remember a stray pitbull about 2 years back over here. It looked like it had been hit by a car, waqs walking but in pain. Me, being the stupid and overly-trusting child that I am, walked up to the injured pitbull without fear and sat next to it, scratched it and grabbed it's collar to see if it had a license. The dog laid down on my lap and licked me :D By this time, the neighbor who's yard I was sitting in told me to "Get the hell away from it!" as it had 'tried to attack his kid and dog' and he has 'hit it with a bat to fend it off' :( Animal control was on their way, and I stayed there to vouge that the dog obviously was not mean, and if it HAD done anything against them, it was just because it was scared. The animal control man got one of the metal chains on a pole and yanked the dog out of my lap, and told me they'd give it a personalty test, but most pits that come in are put down. I was rather upset. It was only AFTER the animal control person took the dog and left, that the neighbor told me the dog didn't really attack anyone, but it DID bark at him...

God, I hate people so much sometimes. Just because it's a 'bad' breed, people think they can torture them and kill them. The most vicious dog I've seen was a poodle, not a pit -_- I'm sorry about your grandfather, I hope he recovors - I completly understand why you would not mention the breeds. Sorry about the rant.
Sorry if it was a problem asking about what breed the dogs were, just a curious question :dunno: Any breed of dog can attack, in England we have a lot of attacks with bull mastiffs and akitas, more so than other breeds.
I agree entirely that it is down to bad handling that dogs turn vicious.
so sorry about that I know how you feel my dad got bitten by dogs when he was younger :-( :-( :-( and now he's limping for the rest of his life and has to take pills or he gets very ill and can die so I hope all dog owners take full responsibility of there dogs and make sure there not running freely and please make sure all your gates are locked :-( :-(
im sorry to hear about your grandfather. in my opinion, in citys and residential areas, there should be struct rules on how many dogs u can have and what kind. when u hear about these attacks its always a group effort between 2 or 3 dogs, hardly ever a single dog envolved. that pack instinct is still there. the dogs who attacked your grandfather need to be moved out somwhere far away from any community areas, or put down, they are obviously too aggressive to live in just a populated area. luckily it wasn't a small child or sumthing, the animals would have definately killed them.
Very sorry to hear about your grandfather. That sounds absolutely horrific; I hope he is OK.
I can see why you wouldn't want to mention the breed. There are so many negative stereotypes about so many breeds, yet no one ever goes after the irresponsible breeder and owners that create dangerous dogs. Multiple dogs must be kept under especially tight control, as they can really get riled up with the pack mentality, and seriously hurt people.
A woman near my school has two cairn terriers. She doesn't keep them fenced at all, though the elderly one stays by the porch. If I go jogging while both are out, they'll run over and attack me. One bit me well enough that I had to unfortunately give him a little kick to get him off, since yelling and shaking didn't work. However, if only one of the dogs is out, I'd only have to worry about them licking me to death; they act perfectly friendly individually.
I'm glad you guys understand why I have a problem with pit bulls and basically any large dog getting steretyped as bad regardless of their personality. Most people would call me crazy for defending the breeds of dog that attacked my grandfather. What those dogs did was wrong but that doesn't mean every single pit bull, german shepards, and cockapoo out there is vicious. It's the owners how are the cause.

I recently read a great article in DogFancy about bullie breeds. It talked about because of this irresponsible ownership and breeding the dogs are the ones paying the price. It had led to breed baning. Not being about to cover bully breeds under your insurance or even be able to rent a apartment.

I once went house shipping with my friend. She was looking for a new house to rent. The landlord asked what type of dog it is. She said a border collie. The guy said. I won't allow large distructive dogs live in my houses. Can you believe that? A border collie!

Another time while I was working in a pet store someone was walking by with a cavalier king charles spaniel. It was black and brown. It had the marking similar to a rottie. A costomer came up to me and said. Can you believe that? What kind of person brings a dog like that into a public place? Look at his eyes. He even looks vicious. This was a cavalier puppy. Maybe 6 pounds. This is totally out of hand.
so sorry about your grandfather :(

i'm more scared of chihuahuas than anything, small dogs are vicious, they get spoilt more than big dogs. spoilt dogs are just as bad as dogs that get trained for fighting.
I'm so sorry for what happened to your grandfather.
I'm glad you understand that it's not the breed of the dog that matters, it's the way the dogs parents were and the way they are raised. From working at a clinic I've learned that every dog can be a biter...a lab, a golder retriever, or a little 2 pound chihuahua.

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