Ekkkk...just Bought My Gsp's A Present!


May 20, 2009
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Hi, I'm so happy, just bid and won this.....


Lot's of room, seeing as I am yet to find out if my two juvie Gsp's will get on full time, but I feel I have taken my first step to the salty side!!!

Am so excited,even if this is going to be a long term project to go full marine....

Lisa x
The sad thing is, I can't even set the tank up for three weeks as I'm having a new floor laid. So for now the tank is just standing in my dining room.....sadder still I keep having to go in and look at it, I'm chuffed to bits with it :good:
They guy delivered it for me last night and fortunately I had a friend or two round for drinky poos to help them in with it, the first words out of my mouth were [get the technical speak here :blink: ] 'Wow it's got a hole in it' guy says 'erm yeah my brother should have put that on the description!'.....me 'I really can have Marine!!!!'....friends all look on blankly....me 'I can have a proper thingy!!!!!'

I think I meant that it had been drilled for a sump.....and I don't even know what a sump is :hyper: :hyper: :hyper:

Wish me and my fishes luck....lol

Lisa x
excellent!! the tank looks spot on

and good news about the hole thingy!!!

My two GSP's ( green spot puffers?) fought a lot and one perished. the one remaining puffer is great has bags of character which reminds me I need to clean his tank today

what are your plans for the new tank? the marine side is brilliant, addictive if a little frustrating some times but with that size tank you have loads of potential for a great reef tank

Simon :good:
Funnily enough Simon, I was reading your journal yesterday and found it quite inspiring, in 'oh wow he doesn't know what he's doing either type of way' :lol: .
So if you can do it, I can!!! [jokes]

On the serious side, I also saw how quickly this can haemorrhage money and the kids are already scowling at me for buying the tank. That said, number one daughter wants corals in it and number one son knows when to keep his mouth shut!
My Gsp's are only babies and the tank will be built around them/it [I know they probably won't get on forever]. So after buying some tile paint, do you remember that far back?, I will just be raising the salinity for the next few months or 6, then adding some live rock and the skimmer etc [what is a skimmer...jokes again :blink: I think].

Ultimately, I'm more into the fish than the corals...but's lets learn to walk before I can run!

Lisa x
Could you tell could you!!! Still don;t lol

its a major learning curve and when I read a lot of the contributions on the marine section its like their talking in french or something but I;m slowly picking it up and theres things I;ve done I wish I;d done differently

I was not that into corals when I started but I could quite happily have a tank without fish now, the corals are ace and its like having a little garden in your living room.

Don't know whether to start a journal or not...will probably be the slowest one in history but I have so much I want/need to ask already :hyper:

Should I shouldn't I?

Lisa x
Ok Seffie will do...need to get my daughter to take some pics for me first.

Lisa x
yes we all love journals plus they are great to look back upon on a personal level

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