eicca joins the hobby and the forums


New Member
Jan 18, 2023
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Czech Republic
Hi all, greetings from the Czech Republic! Happy to be here!

I am new to the hobby but not new to pet keeping. As a child, we had a lot of pets; cats, dogs, fish, birds, hamsters, and we took care of hurt animals from time to time, at one point we had an owl in our care. The fish tank we had, however, was quite a long time ago, when I was about 6 years old, so I don't remember much about it, but have wanted one of my own for so long. Last summer, I finally started researching fish keeping, planning on getting my first tank in December. However, since we live in an apartment, my bf wasn't happy with having more pets (we already have two beautiful cats). So I gave up on getting the tank. Little did I know, he only said that so that he could surprise me with a fish tank. Apparently, he copied all my notes in secret, and bought everything I wanted and surprised me with it for Christmas!

So now I am a proud owner of a 33 gallon fish tank (125L)!

I'm still in the process of learning and cycling the tank. It's planted, but I'm doing a fishless cycle. I do have some bladder snails, however. They hitchhiked on some of the plants I got. I didn't have the heart to do anything to them, so they're just living in there now, eating the algae and breeding.

Here's a picture:
Hi all, greetings from the Czech Republic! Happy to be here!

I am new to the hobby but not new to pet keeping. As a child, we had a lot of pets; cats, dogs, fish, birds, hamsters, and we took care of hurt animals from time to time, at one point we had an owl in our care. The fish tank we had, however, was quite a long time ago, when I was about 6 years old, so I don't remember much about it, but have wanted one of my own for so long. Last summer, I finally started researching fish keeping, planning on getting my first tank in December. However, since we live in an apartment, my bf wasn't happy with having more pets (we already have two beautiful cats). So I gave up on getting the tank. Little did I know, he only said that so that he could surprise me with a fish tank. Apparently, he copied all my notes in secret, and bought everything I wanted and surprised me with it for Christmas!

So now I am a proud owner of a 33 gallon fish tank (125L)!

I'm still in the process of learning and cycling the tank. It's planted, but I'm doing a fishless cycle. I do have some bladder snails, however. They hitchhiked on some of the plants I got. I didn't have the heart to do anything to them, so they're just living in there now, eating the algae and breeding.

Here's a picture:
View attachment 309399
Welcome to the hobby and the forum!
That tank looks really nice!
Hi! The tank looks awesome! I'm a fan of "pest" snails. They clean up any excess food and a bit of algae. Plus, if you're over feeding their population will explode so you know to cut back. Good luck with the cycle, I'm currently doing 4 fishless cycles 😀

Thank you very much, @connorlindeman & @BigBen1989.

Yeah, I had some algae one day, saw them eating it, and the next day it was mostly gone! They're actually super cute and they're keeping me company while I'm waiting for the cycle and to finally get to add some fish :)
I like your tank set up! It's really nice with all those plants and the wood!
Welcome to TFF... :hi:
Maybe we all should become friends with your bf... Then we all get new tanks... 🤣
Hope you enter that awesome tank in February’s Tank of the Month contest which will feature tanks sized at 31 gallons and larger.
Hi all, greetings from the Czech Republic! Happy to be here!

I am new to the hobby but not new to pet keeping. As a child, we had a lot of pets; cats, dogs, fish, birds, hamsters, and we took care of hurt animals from time to time, at one point we had an owl in our care. The fish tank we had, however, was quite a long time ago, when I was about 6 years old, so I don't remember much about it, but have wanted one of my own for so long. Last summer, I finally started researching fish keeping, planning on getting my first tank in December. However, since we live in an apartment, my bf wasn't happy with having more pets (we already have two beautiful cats). So I gave up on getting the tank. Little did I know, he only said that so that he could surprise me with a fish tank. Apparently, he copied all my notes in secret, and bought everything I wanted and surprised me with it for Christmas!

So now I am a proud owner of a 33 gallon fish tank (125L)!

I'm still in the process of learning and cycling the tank. It's planted, but I'm doing a fishless cycle. I do have some bladder snails, however. They hitchhiked on some of the plants I got. I didn't have the heart to do anything to them, so they're just living in there now, eating the algae and breeding.

Here's a picture:
View attachment 309399
Welcome to the forum. Once the tank is cycled, what do you have in mind for stocking it?
And the best thing you can do to control your snail population is once you get fish, avoid overfeeding them.

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