Ei Dosing


Fish Fanatic
Oct 27, 2006
Reaction score
Milton Keynes, England

I am about to attempt EI on my new tank which I have just recently planted up (approx 75% of the substrate covered). I am currently running C02 via a Nutrafin (not the best method for stable C02 injection :sad: ) and just waiting on the ferts to arrive from AE.

I would really be grateful if someone can help me out with the correct measurements required for dosing my tank. The tank is 180 litres (UK), 1.25 WPG.
Not sure whether to dose the fertiliser as is (powder form) or make up pre-mixed solutions for each (Potassium Nitrate, Mono Potassium Phosphate and Trace Elements mix).
I would probably go with measuring out the ferts using a trusty old Teaspoon as I don't have any scales that will measure down to the small quantities required or the proper measuring spoons.

I'm assuming from what I have researched I would need to dose 1/2 teaspoon of Nitrate and 1/8 teaspoon of both Phosphate and Trace Elements ????

Any help or advice would be really appreciated.
You have the same size tank as myself :) I think I have a little more light (about 1.8 wpg)

To quote this sticky EI thread:

40-60 Gallons (152-227 litres)
30ml solution or 1/2 tsp KNO3 (Potassium Nitrate) 3x a week
18ml solution or 1/8 tsp KH2PO4 (Potassium Phosphate) 3x a week
8ml solution or 1/8 tsp K2SO4 (Potassium Sulphate) 3x a week
10ml or 1/8 tsp traces 3x a week

The solution mentioned is a pre-made diluted mix that you can dose with (you make it up into 2 litre bottles or something and just use that). I personally dry dose. To do this I just measure out the same quantities you mention into a little pot, add some aquarium water and give it a shake with the lid on. Then I pour it into the aquarium, simple as that :)

With the lower light, you might consider using slightly less ferts, or dose less frequently but its up to you :)

Potassium sulphate isn't really necessary, unless you have quite soft water from what I remember. I don't dose it myself.
Anyway I can increase the wattage of the lighting ????

The new tank I have is a Hagen Vicenza 180 which runs two 24watt T5 lights, is there anything out there that will have more wattage.
A quick g**gle search and I can only find 28watt lights.

Thanks for the reply on the ferts :good:
Anyway I can increase the wattage of the lighting ????

The new tank I have is a Hagen Vicenza 180 which runs two 24watt T5 lights, is there anything out there that will have more wattage.
A quick g**gle search and I can only find 28watt lights.

Thanks for the reply on the ferts :good:

It depends how much you want to spend really. You could go all out and buy a new luminaire. For an idea on what to get, check out Aquaessentials and some of the other shops mentioned on the forums. Make sure they aren't marine tubes in them though, as they are the wrong colour temperature for plants really.

I upgraded my Juwel Rio 180 by buying a second 30w/900mm light starter and attaching it to my existing. Not sure what your existing light setup looks like but this might be possible. The starter cost me £0.99 plus £5 shipping from eBay (second hand) :)
Theres a thread somewhere a little lower on George Farmers 125Ltr and he is just using the stock lighting for the tank and guess what

surprise surprise the tank looks amazing as always. lol

Ask him about his regime and you probs can leave the lights as they are.


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