Ehiem Liberty POWEr filters?


New Member
Sep 5, 2003
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Hey Guys! Haven't posted here in a long time. I've been thinking seriously of buying the Eheim power filter and was wondering if anyone has one or has heard anything about them. I know the Canister Eheim get rave reviews, but I've never heard anyone talking about the POwer filters. Big Al's has an extremely good deal on them along with good deals for the replacement filters. I just would like some input before I decide to actually get it. I posted this on another forum and got no replies. Everyone there seem to prefer the canister filters. I would like to stick to the type of filter I have know. Any input would be apprectiated. :thumbs: Thanks ~Nancy~
I haven't used their power line, but if they are anything like their canisters they will be well thought out, reliable, quiet, and top notch quality. I would not hesitate to buy an Eheim power filter, but I don't actually no if it is any good.
its good but over here too expensive; the model 100 costs 35 and the 200 one costs 50 while a 'pirated' eheim canister costs 80 bucks which works very very well. i purchased an 'eden' brand one and it works well too. but eheim stuffs are always worth it if u can afford them.
:) Thank you guys for your replies! I think I will go ahead and order it after Christmas now. I know I have heard so many good things about their canisters. I am all set up for a power filter though and really don't want to change. If I had a different tank stand where I could hide it, I might think about it. I figured Anything with the Eheim name had to be good. Thanks again! Have a Great Christmas! ~Nancy~ :thumbs:

Joshua, have you tried Big Al's online?? This place I believe ships to anywhere? This is where I will be ordering from. The bigger power filter is only $15.99 and a package of 12 filters are $9.99. Check it out. ;)
I have an eheim liberty. It works good. I got mine over 1 year ago and can't complain. I can't really say it is better than other brands, but it is just as good.
I also got mine because of the price, it was on sale and i could not pass it up.
I like the design, the way the filter pads are crosswise may be an improvement over whisper and similar filter designs. You also use the end of the intake tube to pull out the impeler. very good idea that works and keeps things simple.
IMO the liberty line gets two thumbs up for function,(easy to use ,easy to clean)
and price( can't beat the price when they are on sale).
hmm... think im gonna get a liberty 100. how easy is it to clean? my eden broke and is leaking from all directions (didn't know it was so flimsy :( ) do you need to use the replacement catridges everytime? otherwise i'd just use box filters as its only a 10 gal tank
If you do need to replace the cartridge (I don't know) then can you get aquaclear? They have rinsable foam that needs to be replaced very rarely, and a Mini is perfect for a 10 gallon tank. Box filters seem to be a choice for smaller tank, but they take up much more room then the intake of a power filter, and in a 10 gallon, the more volume you save the better.
In most filters the cartridge runs the same direction as the back of the tank,like in whisper power filters. If the liberty 100 is the same as the bigger models, the catride runs crosswise, or from the front of the filter to the back, so the cartridge may actually be not as wide as the cartridges in other brands of filters. also, eheims cartridges are tottaly diferent. they are not the white floss type but are black and the carbon is kind of ground up and imbedded in the cartridge. It's not that complicated, just hard for me to explain. they work very well but you can by a sheet of white filter material and cut it to fit. works o.k., and is cheaper. These are the easiest power filters to clean IMO. The impeller isn't directly attached to the siphon tube so it can not break of and they start up with no problems. Very simple design that is dependable.
Thanks Guys for all the great input! ;) I went ahead the other day and orderd the Eheim Liberty 150 along with a 12 pack of carbon cartridges and 2 foam pack all for a grand total of 34 buck at Big Al's!! :eek: GReat deal I think! Sounds like a great filter. I'm currently using a whisper power filter and tho it does an okay job, I feel it could do better. I seem to have to replace my cartridge alot even tho my tank is not in anyway over stocked ect.... I'm sure I will be happy with The Eheim! Looking forward to its arrival! Thanks again! :) I'll let you all know how I like it once it's up a running for awhile. ~ Nancy~

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