Eheim Producing Micro Bubbles


Fish Crazy
Apr 27, 2007
Reaction score
Manchester, UK
just bought eheim 2227 wet/dry canister filter i think its set up ok but its producing a ton of micro bubbles so much so i cant see the back of my tank. is it something that has to bed in like a new skimmer or am i goin wrong some where?
just bought eheim 2227 wet/dry canister filter i think its set up ok but its producing a ton of micro bubbles so much so i cant see the back of my tank. is it something that has to bed in like a new skimmer or am i goin wrong some where?

Thats not right. I'd investigate the inlet side of the pump, or for any leaks or seams leaking. Microbubbles should not be coming out of a canister.
do you hear a sucking noise near the intake? Could be a leak or something.
thanks for your suggestions. got the problem sorted now. took it back to where i got it from and the guys there set it up on a tank it turns your there was a pin prick hole where the nipple is from the injection moulding process on the tube running from the pump head. so the guys replaced that with an apology which was fair enough. but the problems just got worse from there, on the way home from the lfs we had to break suddenly in the car and the filter was on the back seat hit the back of my chair thought nothing of it. set it up thought right finally this is it after p*ssing around with it for hours and hours trying to get it working its just gonna plug and play now. nope it started p*ssing water out when it filled. so un clipped the hoses emptied the filter tried it again still no luck so unclipped and emptied again and had a closer look turns out that the wet/dry tube on the side of it was leaking the top piece the locating hook had cracked and the bottom piece had a split about an inch long running down it. so tried super glue the covered it Vaseline twice still leaking. tried poly glue which is the plastics glue you use on solvent waste waste pipe that didn't work the crack was running down a thread so didn't want to apply too much glue in case i trashed the thread gave it another go with two liberal coats and it seems to of sussed it. what a nightmare though. priced up spares so worse comes to worse the whole shooting match is £25 so not the end of the world. gonna set up ro unit today wish me luck lol :shout:

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