Eheim Filter Purchase


Fish Crazy
May 9, 2006
Reaction score
Merton Park, London, UK
Hi all,

I'm about to buy a new filter for my cichlid tank (40gal). At present there is an Eheim Ecco 2231 in there, but I think it's struggling and it needs quite frequent cleaning.

I can spend up to around £70 max, and I'm decided on another Eheim for sure (so let's not debate different brands, etc.).

I can get the Eheim Ecco 2236 or the Eheim Professional 2224both for less than £70, and I'm wondering which to get. There is not a lot of difference in the specs (I think).

Going for the Ecco are the fact that I have an identical one running on the community tank, and I know how it all works, etc. However the Professional is discounted down to the current price, and has a quoted better pump output.

I guess it all comes down to usability - so come on all..... what are your opinions? If no one has comparison experience, just tell me what you like about your Ecco or Professional.

Many thanks,

Ooooh - I just spotted the Hardware and DIY forum!!!

Could a Moderator please move this thread to that forum?


I have a 2232, 2222, & 2224, among others. The Pro series seems a little more stoutly built, 4 heavy clips th hold it together vs 2 on the Ecco. The media baskets are a little easier to work with on the Pro, the Ecco seems to get wedged together. For the same price go with the 2224, the Ecco series was designed as an entry level filter.
Just to inform all, especially those that contributed.....

Received my 2224 Pro last week and set it up at the weekend. Usual excellent attention to detail and superb instructions from Eheim. It all went together easily, and is currently running in parallel with the Ecco that it will ultimately replace.



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