Eheim Ecco filters


New Member
Feb 1, 2005
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I have a new tank approx 100 litres. Have yet to set it up for a fishless cycle as I do not want to use the internal fluval 2plus supplied. I have a chance of either an Eheim Ecco 2232 or Eheim 2234. Would the 2234 be too big for this tank and would this cause problems in the tank. Or would it have to be the 2232.

Tank is 800mm (long) x350mm (high) x 300mm (deep).
I would always choose an external filter over an internal, internals take up so much space and are a pain to take in and out of the tank to clean.

I always use Eheim, that said, the Ecco filters are, IMHO, not the best. They were introduced as a cut price, and consequently lower quality range to compete with Fluvals and so forth. Most of my units are the older "Classic" models, but I also have some of the "Professional" range as well, (which are simply updated classics in a new box after all). These are so superior it is difficult to express.

I trialled a "Wet and Dry" model as well, not for me. Noisy and the surging output was bad for my quiet plant tanks.

If I were you, I'd go for a 2211 Classic, or if you're feeling flushed, a 2222 Professional.

To a certain extent, it depends on what you are going to keep. A heavily planted tank lightly stocked with non-messy fish will require, and indeed benefit from a smaller filter. Messy fish or fish that come naturally from higher energy environments like the current a larger filter produces.

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