Eheim Ecco 2234 Sold!


Fish Crazy
Jul 4, 2009
Reaction score
Equipment make/model/size: Eheim Ecco 2234
Quantity for sale: 1
Reason for Sale: No longer needed
Delivery or Collection: Collection/Post
Sales price: £30.00
Postage & Packaging: Not got price yet
Location: Stockport


I am selling this filter as no longer needed,never had a problem with it,cheap to run(5w) and silent,also comes with media if required which is ceramic rings and Eheim Substrat Pro(which isnt cheap) all cleaned,but would be cheaper to post without it.

Thanks for looking

Where in stockport are you? I'm in Glossop. Could i collect this weekend?

Does it have all the pipes and attachments? Also was it used on freshwater or marine?
Where in stockport are you? I'm in Glossop. Could i collect this weekend?

Does it have all the pipes and attachments? Also was it used on freshwater or marine?

Hi,im in edgeley it has both inlet and outlet hose,shephards crook oulet pipe and pick up and strainer everything is there that is needed to use straight away. I was using it for freshwater,this weekend is ok if you still want it.

Thanks Ian
Hi, I've managed to find the part i needed for my filter so i'm not in need for a replacement now sorry.

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