Eheim Aquaball


Aug 2, 2004
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I've seen these in the LFS and in the classifieds, are they much different from the Eheim Classic canister?
I noticed they're a bit cheaper, so I assume there is some drawback. I don't even know how they work.
Can anyone shed some light on these?
The Aquaballs are internal canister filters, meaning that they sit inside the tank, under the water. The main drawback I see is that they decrease the volume of water that will fit in your tank. Do some research on the Classics and Aquaballs and you will probably find more helpful information.
They are entirely different, internal filters aren't similar if you are considering a ehiem classic you aren't considering a aquaball
the aquaball is basically a powerhead with filter cartridge infront of the intake of similar design to the fluval #plus models
OK I can see how they work now...

Thanks for the replies

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