Eheim 2324 Pro


Fish Crazy
Jan 15, 2009
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Hi All, my first post on Hardware Forum :blink:

I have recently bought (second hand) an Eheim Pro Filter 2324.

Tonight is the first time I have tried to run it in the newly set up tank, but nothing is happening?? (apart from a sort of buzzing noise).

I have tried several times to download the manual from the Eheim Website, but for some reason cannot!! (just takes ages and then I get a white screen which says "Done" I'm getting stressed lol).

Are there any Eheim pro's out there, or even someone who has an Electronic copy of the manual??

With hope and eternal thanks if anyone can help

Have you primed it? If you are a first time exturnal owner I'd guess you haven't... :sad:

Step one, remove all water from the filter and hoses. Position the inlet and outlet sets and plumb up the hoses between them and the inlet and outlet ports on the filter. (Check they are plumbed to the correct ports. I've set many up now, and still frequently make that mistake :look: ) Now, check that both the inlet and outlet valves are open. Now you are all set to go. Keep the filter switched off at this point, or you will run it dry and potentially burn out/damage some of the components, and that's expencive and obviously not good... At this point, you prime the filter...

Take the outlet pipe off the back of the tank and suck for a few moments. You should see water in the inlet pipe go up and over the side of the tank, and then a sound of running water is usualy heard as the filter starts to fill. At this point, place the outlet pipe back on the tank side, and go make a cup of tea (very important that last step :lol: ) One the tea is made and drunk, come back to your now full and "primed" filter, and check it for any signs of leaks (it shouldn't leak, but being 2nd hand it is a possibility). If all looks good, plug it in, and after a bit of spluttering, it should start to pump water :good: If it's moving water, it is all good and you should not need to touch it for 6+ months...

On a "tips and trick's" point, make shure you apply Vaseline to all seals every time you clean the filter out. When in constant contact with water, rubber hardens up and eventually snaps. The Vaseline will stop the water touching the seal, hence increasing that component's life span :good: When any seal is starting to feel harder than it should, get it replaced. :nod:

PM me your email address & I will send you manual pdf. Do you have adobe acrobat reader installed on your PC?

Thank you both sooo much !!!
:D Andy I will pm my EM address.

Thanks again

There are 4 eheim pro models (Pro's as opposed to Pro II models etc.) and I have one of those, not the exact same one as you, but the 4 are almost identical funtionally. Two are smaller and two are larger and for each pair there are models with and without a built-in heater.

The "priming" writeup that rabbut gave is excellent. That's exactly what works for me. I'd definately play around with your filter, following his writeup and see if it all works out for you, perhaps adding any extra notes to yourself that you need. You'll never have another time quite like at the very beginning to "experiment" a little, as later you'll be more anxious about the fish, etc.

Following that thought, another thing you could do prior to testing the filling and priming would be to actually sit it out on a table and remove, inspect and re-lubricate the 3 O-Rings (the seals) with eheim lube or vasoline, as rabbut mentions. There are the two small obvious ones that seal the inlet/outlet pipes to the pump head.. those are easy to hold and examine closely for wear. That will tell you something about the state of the o-ring silicone perhaps without you're having to remove the big one. If they seem questionable, then it would probably be best to examine the big one (the ultimate test is just whether anything leaks, as rabbut has mentioned) and its buried deeply in a grove around the edge between the pump head and filter box. Its important never to be "slap-dash" or rushed about the seating of this seal.. obviously. Anyway, once you get in the habit of lubing the o-rings with vasoline between your thumb and forfinger, it will be obvious to you that this is the real path to good maintenance!

Likewise, I believe there is probably a good "extreme" (lol) maintenance procedure that could be followed for taking the impeller and shaft down to its component parts and cleaning/lubing them but I have not ever worked this out between eheim service and the members here yet, as mine still looks like new when I examine it.. but is something I hope to do someday.

I'll additionally mention that eheim makes a simple suction ball primer that looks like a rubber racket ball with a green conical suction tip that has a one-way valve and excess water tube coming off it. This is useful on the Pro models for priming, especially if you were to have meds or some other reason you were reluctant to suck on the tube for priming. It works quite well. It is true however that this is a "frill", as rabbuts technique will be great 99% of the time.

Once you've plugged the filter in and water is flowing properly, you'll probably hear some air bubbles being chopped up by the impeller. The Pro models really benefit from you picking up the filter box and gently shaking while rotating the box at slight angles from upright, begin carful not to dislodge the hoses of course. This will free up trapped air bubbles from the media and move you more quickly to the point of it running in silence. Also, one other small tip is to be looking for a plastic kitchenware tub that is an inch or two bigger than the filter box body but smaller than your cabinet space (just carry the measurements in your pocket.) Eventually when you find the perfect little tub, this makes a great safety catch for your filter box to sit in. It would catch water if it ever leaked and it will also catch the extra drops of water that might happen when you detach and attach your inlet/outlet block from the filter box for cleaning.

WOW..I should have just stuck to the internal plug in and go lol.

I expect all the extra work pays off in the end tho.

Manual is now downloaded and printed off. and with all the extra hints and tips you guys have provided hopefully this will all work out (fingers etc. all crossed).

Thank you I am really grateful for the advice and help
WOW..I should have just stuck to the internal plug in and go lol.

I expect all the extra work pays off in the end tho.

Manual is now downloaded and printed off. and with all the extra hints and tips you guys have provided hopefully this will all work out (fingers etc. all crossed).

Thank you I am really grateful for the advice and help

We have lift off so to speak, :cool: filter primed, tubes lubed up and all is now working brilliantly. (so far) lol

Just got to plant up, decide what's going where and then move things around a bit and then maybe a bit more and so on (well I've got weeks of cycling ahead) lol

With thanks to Rabbut, Andy and Waterdrop :good:

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