Eheim 2232 Vs Fluval 105 (or Other Suggestions)


Jun 7, 2006
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Hi all, i was wandering if you could reccommend me an external filter for a 12x12x24" (around 50 litres or 13 US gallons) tank. The fluval 105 uses 10w as apposed to the eheim 2232 using 5. They both kick out way more water than necessary, but i was wandering what one did it in the better quality, what is easier to maintain, cheaper to maintain, longer lasting, etc etc. It will be supporting a few brisslenoses, a few zebra or leopard danios... havnt made my mind up yet, and some endlers, all mainly for the purpose of breeding.

Eheim Ecco 2232 external filter

for aquariua up to 100 litres
Power consumption: 230 V/ 50 Hz 5 W £2.60 a year to run
Pump output: 400 l/h
apparently manual prime

Fluval 105
For aquariua up to 100 litres
Power consumption 220-240v 10 W £5.20 a year to run
Pump output 480 l/h
instant prime

Are there any more suggestions to add to the list at all?

I would prefer the item to be economical in terms of power consumption, and also dont want to spend too much (being a student.) If anyone has an external filter that would suit the requirement specifications, please drop me a message!!!


The cheapest external filters are usually HOB's not canisters... I infinitely prefer my HOB's over any of the canisters I've tried on medium sized tanks. For something like 13g you won't even need a very big one - if tank-to-wall space is the concern. My all-time-fave are Hagen's Aquaclear - the AC200 / AC50 (they changed the numbers - it's the same filter) will do you nicely or if you want to go the biowheel route - Marineland's Penguin / Emperor series - 200 series will do the job - check and see that the intake is not too long tho. These filters are all rated for tanks in the 40g range - so if you're want a high flow rate or are worried about clean water - they will handle your 13g like a charm - and new are cheaper than a canister.
If you do indeed wanna go the canister route - both are good choices - Eheim has a reputation for being a good brand. I have fluvals and so far am satisfied - so whichever is cheaper will do you (you're looking a couple of pounds diff a year in operating costs vs about 10 pounds in initial cost so that evens out) - stacking a fluval is easier tho - u have the basket-option. I know with the 2213 / 2217's my dad runs there are none - maybe the ecco has it.
Cool! How do these HOB's rate against the fluval and eheim particularly the Marineland's Penguin / Emperor series - 200. I've never looked into biowheel filteration.
Rate - In terms of flow-rate the HOB's can really kick up some output (makes for a noisier tank) - they are easier to clean and maintain (in the case of the penguin, you literally drop a cartridge in) and gallon for gallon are cheaper than a canister but a huge margin (at least from what I've seen). The biggest plus for the canisters is that you can customize what goes in... if you're going the pengiun route - a biowheel can run bio-filtration with most cans.
Any canister filter with the letters :
On the side gets my vote ! :rolleyes: They are a LOT easier to clean than internals, when doing a water change I remove the media on one lump - thanks to the interlocking baskets - bin the fine filter, and dunk the lot into a bucket of tank water... 20 seconds of sloshing about and its back into the canister with a new fine filter on top and DONE, all this is done outside, so no mess ... and only needs doing once every few months :good:
just a quick word oin fluvals vs eheims

i would spend the extra money and get the eheim every single time. they just last and last and last, fluval's are great at first but tend to break after a year or two and people have all sorts of problems with them and usually end up upgrading to something like an eheim. I've heard of people with eheims that are 10 years old and have never had a minutes problem with them. Worth spending a bit extra money to get a good filter in the first place rather that scrimping and having to replace it later
Hehe. Well thats PRACTICALLY made my mind up. :D In another forum topic, i have been told that brisslenoses are huge waste producers and i am to have 5 in there, (starting off at 1") along with 12 pure strain endlers. The eheim ecco 2232 filter, at 400lph. Therefore 7.1 complete watercycles per hour. Reckon this is enough? (I personally believe this is a very good amount anyhow, however, concerns have been raised about it and i only want happy fish :D)

On the other hand, the other HOB filter mentioned by DM3 sounds good, too! Here are the stats:
The only problem with that is i will need to cut out a large chunk of metal from my aquarium lid to get the HOB in place., as opposed to drilling for 2 pipe holes.

Any more oppinions which would ultimately make me choose what filter to use?
for a cannister you don't need to drill holes for pipes (although i suppose you can if you like) most people just hook the pipes over the top of the tank, it should come with appropriate hooks and attachments to do this.
for a cannister you don't need to drill holes for pipes (although i suppose you can if you like) most people just hook the pipes over the top of the tank, it should come with appropriate hooks and attachments to do this.

Theres no gaps at the back of my lid so i'll have to cut either way :(
With the eheim make sure you budget for double tap connectors. They will make your life so much easier.

I have an Eheim 2211 on my 60 litre tank. I cant praise its build quality enough. Its virtually silent ( I have it in my study!) and from the second you unpack it you know you have made the right choice.

The downside is that you will need to buy filter-media for most eheims which again is more expense. The bottom line is that you will never regret spending it.

I used to wonder what all the hype about eheim was - I used my juwel internal filters. The difference is huge - you will never look back.
well thats the best news i heard all day. Eheim it is. You cant beat build quality. Will buy when i get paid then :D
Bio-wheels are really nice, they are some of my favorite filters (for freshwater). I tend to always over filter though. I like big filters! I've had a Fluval 204 running for 3 1/2 years now. It's been through a lot with no problems at all. I hear a lot of people having problems but I don't understand. The Fluval filter has been EXCELLENT so far. It has even been through a fresh to salt water conversion.

80 gallon filter on a 10 gallon tank... :shifty: Now that is what I call filtering!
A word in defence of Fluval >> they seem easier to break because of the locks on the lid and stuff - commonsense notwithstanding you shouldn't have a serious problem with them unless you are doing something wrong... Comparing a 2215 and 304 which are both rated for 75g the 304 has a 1000 litre per hour flow rate compared to the 2215's 600lph. The 304 has segregated baskets and an adjustable flow rate - the eheim doesn't. Does this mean the 2215 is an inferior filter - absolutely not - you pay a premium and get your money's worth. For me I'd go with the beast of biowheels an Emperor 350 that costs me just over 1/3 the price of the 2215 has almost double the flow rate, wet-dry bio-filtration that smokes most low-end canisters and if my filter breaks, I can still buy two more in the money saved. On anything less than 55 gallons you can't get better value.
SOOOOOOOOO CONFUSED NOW. The hobs are very tempting indeed. They output a lot of water, which brisslenoses like, and i am to have 5 in that tank... until they outgrow it, in which i will go down to 3 or upgrade to a 4x1x1 inch :D. However, can the filter keep up with the amount of waste produced by the plecos and is the filteration generally as good quality as eheims. (sorry for being thorough)
cant find a seller for the biowheel anywhere in the UK :S

EDIT.... Just bought eheim 2232 as although the alternitive looked seriously promising, couldnt find it anywehere Its just powerful enough to power the upgrade tank if i ever needed it to... with the help of an existing small internal that i already have .... Thats 1/16th of my student loan gone :D

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