Eheim 2229


New Member
Nov 10, 2003
Reaction score
Southern California
I got an Eheim 2229 and it works ok i guess the water flows out of it but, i noticed the the wet dry chamber on the side fills and emptys realy slow like 1 time every 5 minutes and it takes about 10 seconds to empty the water level sits about 3 inches from the botum right after it drains. I got this used so this might be how it is supose to work I never got a manual with it. But i read it was sopose to be like a wave coming out of the out put spryer bar thing. I have it below my tank but its not all that low.

100 gallon Live plant and live substrait
1 arowana
2 jackdemsi
3 blue demsi
3 yello peacocks
2 bala sharks
1 sucker fishs
3 small cats
2 angel fish
5 tiger barbs
1 tulip
1 spotted lamp calvus
2 other cats of some sort
3 Green blue Gormies

5 gallon live plant live substrait
4 femail Fancy tail Guppys
1 Femail taquila sunrise Guppy
2 maile Fancy tail Guppys
2 Mail taquila sunrise Guppys
1 baby sucker fish
1 Koli Loach
alot of baby's in the java furn like 10
Well i found out what it was. There is a spunge pre filter on the intake and it was way clocked.l But you cant tell by looking at it. Once i took it off it worked awsoem like way great. Water is moving nice and i love the filter. A+ just make sure your pre filter flow regulator thingy is clean for it to work right.

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