Eheim 2217 Vs Fluval 405


Official Forum Weirdo Detective
Jul 14, 2007
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I know this topic has been done to the death but I want to ask. I've had Tetratec EX1200 before and just hated everything about it so it's not even in the equation. I want to add a 2nd external filter to the opposite end of my tank. I have an Eheim 2217 and whilst it performs well, I have found it to be annoying to get to the pipes and canister for cleaning and it also took me a very long time to get it 98% silent, even had the old guy round here from the Eheim specialist place round here to silence it completely and even he's stumped (sorry pregnancy brain, can't think who I mean!)

Anyway I've had Fluvals before and much prefer the way they are built for maintenance and found them easier to use but keep reading over and over again how Eheim are the rolls royce, just really wondering if I should go with my own judgement and put a fluval the other end or stick to the programme and have a 2nd Eheim the other end and just try and deal with it. There's one for sale locally to me for £50. Thoughts?
Hello Mel something as important as an external filter canister is important so although the subject has been done to death its worth disguising.

I have never had an Ehiem so cannot really speak with authority on them but they have quite a reputation but like all machinery you are always going to get problematic units but it sounds like they are rare with the Ehiem.

I have a Fluval 405 and have never had a problem with it I love it, its built well, quiet and easy to work on for maintenance in fact the only thing I did not like about it was the crinkle hose that comes as standard with Fluval's I find it traps a lot of debris that gets dispersed when priming after cleaning, in the end I replaced it with clear hose which sorted the problem.

Personally I would recommend you go with your own Judgement and experience and go with the fluval but that's just me and my humble opinion I hope this helps.

Regards onebto
The Eheim filters do indeed enjoy a reputation for being good filters Mel. I have never owned one because I found that the Rena XP series suited me just fine and, where I am, the price difference is enormous. The only XP I would avoid is the XP4. I have seen reliable reviews of those, by people that I trust, that they are prone to leakage. My XP1, XP2 and XP3 filters have all performed well, and very quietly, for me for many years. I have no experience with Fluval externals since the cost about the same as comparable Renas and I knew about the Renas.

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