Eheim 2217 not working properly


Aug 2, 2004
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I have a used eheim 2217 that I've been running for about a month with no problems. I did a water change today and noticed that the output was very low when I plugged it back in. I tried emptying and repriming it to no effect. The water is flowing out in a slow drizzle and it's almost impossible to get it started in the first place.

I have a backup filter, but it's woefully inadequate so I'll need to do something quick.

Does anyone know anything about eheim filters and how to fix them?
when you say reprimed it what do you mean?
is there any noise comming from it?

the only problem I've ever had from my classic is air trapped in it.
the solution to this was sucking on the outlet to manually restart the syphon.
This may be obvious but I may as well mention it - make sure no hoses are kinked and make sure nothing is clogging any of the inputs or outputs on the filter.
Fixed the filter. Thanks for all the replies people.

The problem was with the media. The fine filter pad that came with it (it was used when I got it a month ago) was old and didn't let much water through. I replaced the filter pad with a coarse one to allow more water through.

I did clean the impeller too, so now I know how to do that should the need arise.

Thank you very much for all the replies!

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