Eheim 2213 Tube Cleaning


New Member
Mar 27, 2011
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East Coast, USA
Hey all,

I've had an Eheim 2213 since July for my 20 gallon tank and it is a fantastic filter. I recently stopped it and restarted it (to remove the carbon layer) and when it came back on, all the air in the tubes came flying out the spray bar and it caused a lot of junk to come loose and it went spraying into the tank. The water became clear again shortly but it got me wondering if cleaning out the tubes should be part of a maintenance routine.

Does anyone clean out their canister filter tubes, and if so, how do you go about it?
its the dort of thing i would do once in a blue moon. i know what you mean about the bits that come flying out. running hot water throught eh pipe, and bending/pinching the pipe will dislodge the majority of 'stuff'. but you can run a pipe cleaner (a new fresh one) down them, or if the pipe is too long tie a bit of string to the end of the cleaner, and pull it through.

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