Fish Crazy
Both these filters are similarly priced on ebay so I'm considering buying either one. The xp2 has double the gph, would you sacrifice gph for an Eheim? I want to know your opinion on each, the filter and/or the brand itself. What would you get? Or maybe another kind of filter and brand. I've heard tetratec being mentioned alot but they're not available here in Canada. Lets keep this nice and polite but please post your honest opinion.
I have a 30g FW tank. 5 Blue rams, 1 Rubbernose Pleco, 4 Otos, 2 CAE's, 6 Corys, 10 Neons. I been wanting a canister filter for this tank and I cannot make up my mind on which to get. I'm leaning towards the xp2 but I want to be confident.
I have a 30g FW tank. 5 Blue rams, 1 Rubbernose Pleco, 4 Otos, 2 CAE's, 6 Corys, 10 Neons. I been wanting a canister filter for this tank and I cannot make up my mind on which to get. I'm leaning towards the xp2 but I want to be confident.