Eheim 2213 Or Rena Xp2 For My 30g?


Fish Crazy
Mar 4, 2008
Reaction score
Windsor, ON, Canada
Both these filters are similarly priced on ebay so I'm considering buying either one. The xp2 has double the gph, would you sacrifice gph for an Eheim? I want to know your opinion on each, the filter and/or the brand itself. What would you get? Or maybe another kind of filter and brand. I've heard tetratec being mentioned alot but they're not available here in Canada. Lets keep this nice and polite but please post your honest opinion.

I have a 30g FW tank. 5 Blue rams, 1 Rubbernose Pleco, 4 Otos, 2 CAE's, 6 Corys, 10 Neons. I been wanting a canister filter for this tank and I cannot make up my mind on which to get. I'm leaning towards the xp2 but I want to be confident.
I'm just going to say I've had a bad run with Eheim that has put me off, since you want things to be polie I won't state my full opinion on them or it will caurse an argument :good:

I have ran both Rena and Eheim, I do prefur Rena. They are easy to use, reliable and don't clogg over easily. They do have some negative issues, such as channeling, but this can be minimised by careful media selection. There are also some issues with the media supplied with the Rena. They send out bio-chem Zorb instead of bio-media, thus they want you to replace the pad regularly. Nice income for them if they can get you to use it. Bin the pad and get some proper bio-media, or it will caurse the tank to un-cycle and you will be reliant on the pad :good:

Eheim are expencive for what they are IMO, but the classics have proven reliable. It was, however, a new version that I had issues with. I won't be buying another, but many on here rate them as the best available.

IMO its deffinately a job for Rena.

Just my opinion
For me, personaly, it would be a Tetratec EX1200, the Rena is good though, and you can fix the media issue easily if you have a dis-used filter lieing around. I currently have two obseleetes, so if I were to buy a Rena tomorrow, I would just pull the replacement media out of one of those :good:

Tetratec ship their filters with all media, hoses, accessories, and a three-year warrenty. The EX700 is at £45 from zoo plus, (marked up at £49-99, but you get 10% off the first order with them) and though I haven't ordered with them, they are the cheapest for this model, and other members on here recomend them :good: The only issue with the Tetratecs ATM, is that they are fairly new and we don't know how they are going to last. The origional 3 year old ones that were first produced are all still going strong though, and the length of the warrenty is re-assuring. I have two of the tetratec EX1200's and this is a first for me, as I have never before bought two of the same filter... Shows how I like them, but hey... It's your choice. I'll shove off now and let other members get their opinions in :nod:

All the best
Rena does not seem to have information on what del head their pumps have. Considering that people in this forum/thread Monster views on eheim vurses rena equivilents are pointing out how poor the flow of the xp 3 and 4 are compared to the 2217 it does indicate that there is not much torque at all in the rena motor's versus equivalent eheim classic filters.

higher del head means that it will push more water in real life situations ie with media and hoses. Put another way it seems rena's flow rates are merely highly inflated. At pump head xp3 is supposed to have 1350 l/ph and the 2217 has 1000 l/ph, rena is the first of the major brands I've seen that do not have the del head figures on their website.
Rena does not seem to have information on what del head their pumps have. Considering that people in this forum/thread Monster views on eheim vurses rena equivilents are pointing out how poor the flow of the xp 3 and 4 are compared to the 2217 it does indicate that there is not much torque at all in the rena motor's versus equivalent eheim classic filters.

higher del head means that it will push more water in real life situations ie with media and hoses. Put another way it seems rena's flow rates are merely highly inflated. At pump head xp3 is supposed to have 1350 l/ph and the 2217 has 1000 l/ph, rena is the first of the major brands I've seen that do not have the del head figures on their website.

I see what you mean. Interesting, thanks.
I've been running the 2213 on my 20G for a couple of years now. I think it's a brilliant little filter. Dead quiet (I have it in my bedroom so couldn't stand the noise) and a real work horse, I've never had any problems with it and once you know the knack for priming it then it's dead easy to maintain too. Flow rates are good even when it's getting ready for a clean. All in all, highly recommended :good:
Eheim no doubt. Ran a 2213 on my 20 gallon too. Fab.

Rena's are noisy (compared to Eheim - and don't have a fraction of Eheim's reputation).
The living seas used to be the cheapest place to get the + versions (with media) not sure it's still the case but thought I'd add it in anyway!

For £10 extra I might even be tempted by the 2215, gives you that extra bit of leeway. (though I've just noticed that it's only the 2213+ which comes with the bio-ball type media, the others come with sponges :( )
i had a problem with my rena xp3.

wont ever buy another rena filter again (put me off) ive has my eheim ecco for 4-5 years and its going well.

ive also got another eheim ecco and an eheim pro 2 have no problems with either.

eheim all the way

however i am going to try out a tetratec soon.
I won't be buying another, but many on here rate them as the best available.

Which is exactly why eheim is the one to go for. The opinion of the majority is the most reliable, yes? :D

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