Eheim 2128 Thermo


Fish Crazy
Apr 24, 2005
Reaction score
My tank is 54x15x24 inches (70 Gal uk) & I am thinking of running the 2128 thermo. I like the idea of not having a seperate heater in the tank & the 2128 suits upto 135 Gal.

* What do people think of this filter?

* Is it noisy?

* Will this one filter do everything I need? As I have seen alot of people run two.

Many thanks to any helpful advice.

ps - I am a newbie & would like to keep a shoal of Bala shark & Silver Dollars.
hi i have the eheim 2028 and iv got a 6x2x2 tank i only use 1 and 1 600lph juwel inturnal and dont seam to have any probs tho i did use 2eheims when my tank was marine but now its trop with a Lima shovelnose 2 oscars 3 plecos
The filter is silent. Does a great job of filtering the tank and the trays can be loaded with the traditional eheim media or anything else you want.

A 2128 is rated for a 160 gallons. Given my personal equation of "halving" company recommended ratings, you will be fine with a 2128 on your 70-gallon.

best of luck,
what is the rated size of tank 4 2028 or is it the same filter but without the heater
I've just started running a 2129 thermo on a 180lt tank (temporary measure until I get a smaller unit), seemed to clear the cloudiness of the water when first filled very quickly, and seems to make the water noticably more polished than my other tank.

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