Eheim 2078, 2080 And Vecton V2 600 Review


Fish Herder
Jan 20, 2007
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Hi, i thought i would do a review on my latest purchases, an eheim pro 3e 2078 and a pro 3 2080. I also invested in a Vecton V2 600 UVS. I have only installed the three items tonight. They are all being used on my 100 gallon tank, (i lke to overfilter :shifty: )


Eheim 2080 - £170
Eheim 2078 - £185
Eheim 2080 media set - £50
Eheim media for 2078 - £40
Vecton V2 600 UVC - £75
TOTAL £520

Now for the review - please bear in mind these 3 items have only been installed tonight, so theres not much i can right.

Eheim Pro 3e 2078

This unit is absolutely brilliant, it is just sooo good!! It is literelly like a computer - I havent tested most of the electronic components yet but will update on them soon, overall i am very impressed. I have it filled with 2 Litres Eheim mech and 6 litres of Substrate pro.

I have heared reviews about the eheim 2078 being noisy - mine seems silent! No noise atall, but we will see if it stays that way.

Holds 8litres of media - Pumps 1850l/h

Eheim Pro 3 2080

This is Eheims biggest filter and holds a lot of media! 13 litres of it. Has many good features like a flow indicateor , wheels etc. The flow from this though seems quite slow compared to the 2078. I have it filled with 4 litres of eheim mech. And 8 litres of Substrate Pro. Overall though, the filter is solidly made and i love the media layout - the prefilter is located at the top of the filter.
Holds 13 litres of media - Pumps 1700l/h

Vecton V2 600 UVS

I have this installed on my 2078, not much to right about it really, seems solidly built. My only critasism is its HUGE! Litrelly took me about an hour to figure out how to mount it.

So thats all for now but i will update the review soon with some pictures!

Thanks, Adam
Thanks Adam, was just asking about the 2078 & 2080 in another thread. The 2080 will be alot slower than the 2078 because its slower to begin with an holds alot more media. The flow rates eheim give are with out media in, once you add media expect the actual flow rate to be about 40-30% less.
Looking at the output from them both, my 2080 seems to have a higher flow than the 2078, maybee because the hoses are longer to connect to the UV on the 2078.

Both filters have been running for a while now, my water is stunningly clear! Oh, and i use clear intakes and outputs as Eheims are VERY ugly imo.

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