Eheim 2028 And Aqua Pro 1


Fred and the Fredettes
Oct 3, 2006
Reaction score
London, UK

few questions for peeps who are "in the know" with externals

1. i am gonna get a 2nd hand Aqua Pro 1 which apparently has a "flow" rate of 700 litres / hour and does tanks between 100-300 litres (why such a range i dont know!)

2. to supplement this, FOR MY 300 litre tank (67 gal to those lovely yanks LOL) i was thinking about an Eheim 2028 (but its rated for 600 litres and is 1050 litres per hour), would this "over power" my tank (altho its cichlids, Convicts and similar), would it be "too much power / flow" for my 48" 300 litre (67 gal) tank?

3. Overall what external would you recommend for a 300 litre / 67 gal Convict and similar Cichlid set-up, and PLEASE take into account "idiot proof, easy to use" as i have not run an external before and the one i tried (eheim ecco) i broke within 1 hour (snapped the handle)

i would definitely choose the Eheim over the AquaOne, the aqua's are a bit cumbersome to maintain and are generally larger than their other brand equivalents. Having said that, i feel that Eheim is not the easiest filter in the world to setup initially, but they work very efficiently and contain a great deal more media than most other similar sized filters.

looking into a Fluval 205 which also has a flow of 700LPH wouldn't go astray in my opinon. but out of those two, i'd say the Eheim, and i don't believe it would over power your tank. even if the flow was to strong for the tank they come with a 'rain bar' attachment which would lower the current :good:

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