Eheim 2026 Pro Ii


New Member
Oct 21, 2008
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Fresno, Ca
I have a 100 gallon tank and was told by the lfs that the eheim 2026 pro II would work just fine in my tank. He stated that these filters are like super cleaners. What are your thoughts. I currently have 2 bala sharks, 3 silver dollars, 2 unidentified catfish that look like hammer head sharks, 2 sucker fish of some sort, 1 angel, 4 larger tetras, and another fish I forget the name of. With that combination of stocking and new filter be sufficent?
i would go for the 2028, the next step up. the 2026 will not be able to do your tank. 2028 does up to 600l. or get one of each!
there good filters i had/have the 2026 on my rio 180's and now have a 2028 on my rio 300

only thing i will say is keep the seal lubed with Vaseline and getting the ehiem short cleaning brush is a must

best prices i have seen is £149.99 for the 2028 inc media and free delivery, top sevice too. have seen these filter for £160 plus media

if you have the money go for the Pro 3 whats electronic and will give you better turnover allowing you to stock more

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