Eheim 2026 Priming Problem


New Member
Apr 13, 2009
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I have an Eheim 2026 proII which has been running fine for 2 years until I did a water change. When i refilled the tank and tried priming it some bubbles came out of both pipes. I then turned it on and it rattled like crazy. I turned it off, primed again, still rattling. I then took the head off and cleaned impeller and shaft. It then started ok for 5 seconds then started rattling.

I did this 6 more times until i was mighty cross I have an inline heater so even though I have a secondary filter the tank was cooling down so had to dig out spare heater GGGrrrrrr!

On the 9th time of taking impellor out i broke the shaft so gave up.
My arms are now aching as the priming button takes a massive push to get it to work. Is this normal?

Any ideas please help!
one thing with ehiem is i find they don't prime.

So all i do if get the intake pipe syphoning then put it back on the canister. once the canister is full it should work.
As for the shaft, well u need a new one now, i find most shop's dont carry so ahve to be a special order unless u get it online.
The hard way, take the end off, then suck till it runs!!!!

Try not to drink any of the water though :)

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