Eheim 1260?

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May 20, 2009
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Hi, I recently bought a tank from Ebay and it cam with a box of rather shabby looking equipment. One bit is a Eheim 1260 thingy [do you like my technical terminology?]
What is it please? Dumb question probably but your now talking to someone who has only ever used Fluvals :unsure: .
There is 'some' pipe work with it although God only knows how it goes together.The tank is drilled and I think had a sump at some point....also theres a Eheim Aqua ball [powerhead?] that has no cup to attach it to the tank :blink:
Is any of this going to be any good to me?

Lisa x

ps I'm not even going to try and see if any of this works till I get some answers so it could all be a mute point
Ok...maybe I should have been a little more concise! I know it is a filter of some description, I would like to know how exactly it works as it appears to be more of an external pump than a filter, hence mentioning the sump drill holes.
Does anyone have anything a bit more constructive to offer?

Lisa x
Hi, this tanks not actually set up yet...still waiting for a new floor to go down. I just wanted to know if it will be any use to me in the future and it sounds like it might be if I decide to go up from brackish to full marine [and have a sump].As you may have gathered I haven't read that far a head yet :lol: . It's taken me 15 years of fish keeping to get to Brackish so for now I'll just put it in the cupboard for a later date.[it does work, I just tried it...bluddy powerball doesn't though and I could have used that now....ho hum!]
Off to Ebay to look for a nice big external for now.

Lisa x
if the tank you have got is drilled you would be better
of going down the sump route you can get a bigger filter area
with a sump and if your going all out marine well a sump would be
a good place to hide the skimmer heater and all the other stuff that
comes with salty keeping i have just put myself a micro tank together
its under biffsters micro tank i wish i could go bigger but the way things are these
days you just don't know what will happen next but i am going to give
it a go at keeping a micro reef my tank as a partition were all the gubbins are
like skimmer HOBF and return pump and heater just like a sump but a lot smaller :blink:

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