Eggy Female


Fish Connoisseur
Jan 6, 2009
Reaction score
Norfolk, England
i have 2 corys and 1 is male 1 is female(i know i need to get a bigger group and i will when i gt my new tank) but i keep missing when she lays the eggs and all of them get eaten. but whats a good whey to tell when shes going to have them so i can put her and the male in a diffrent tank on there own
Wait until they look kind of swollen with eggs and put them in a cooler tank overnight and you will probably find a load of eggs in the morning. Then get the adults out of there. They will eat the eggs at the first chance. Otherwise do a large cool water change and watch them spawn.
they spawned thurseday night and i cought some of the eggs and put them in the breeding trap but they all went brown what did i do wrong
beige brown or mouldy brown? Normally if they are infertile or die they turn white. When they are fertile and things are going well they are a beige colour and after a couple of days you can see the babies inside the egg.
Hi kizno1:)

Good for you! What kind of corys do you have? The eggs tend to vary in size and color from one species to another. Some eggs get very dark before they hatch, others don't.

Have you read this yet? If not, take a look at it and then ask whatever questions you have. We'll be happy to help.
there peppered corys
but all the eggs are gone a molly jumped into the breeding trap last night and ate all the eggs
what so if the eggs are brown there moldy
how long is it normally until she will have the next lot
Hi kizno1 :)

No, shades of brown are usually a good sign. It's when they are an unnatural looking white, and become fuzzy looking, that they are bad.
If you are feeding them well and keeping them in condition with bloodworms or blackworms, you might see some more eggs within a week or so. It varies from fish to fish. Watch them for a few days after doing a good water change, especially if you use water that is a little cooler than your normal tank water.

If possible, set up a spawning tank for them so the other fish don't get to the eggs before you do. They will not live long in a breeding trap and will soon need to be moved up anyway.

I hope you have better luck with future spawns.
yh i might be able to set up a spawning tank when i upgrade my tank
what temp should it be at and is a 3g or a 5g ok
its been just under a month and they still havent had any more
all my water states are fine
so why wont they have anymore
Hi kizno1 :)

It might just be that the water is too warm for them. C. paleatus like to be kept in the cooler range even when they are not spawning. Sometimes you just have to wait for a change of seasons.

Another possibility is that they might be spawning and eating their eggs.

If you are planning to set up a breeding tank, where you can remove the parents and raise the fry, go for the largest tank you can get. If you check prices, a set up for a 10 gallon is often less expensive than the smaller tanks and the fry will be able to stay in it longer.
shes getting huge i think shes going to have them soon
and it could be the temp the tanks been up at 30c in the day for the last couple of months

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