

New Member
Jun 25, 2011
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the other night i was checking out my fish tank and noticed on the inside of the glass what looks slightly similar to eggs of some sort, they are in a clear goo type think and inside there are about 13-ish tiny circles. are they eggs? if it helps, in my tank are: 2 Kuhli Loaches, 1 Golden Sucking Loach, a lot of platys and a lot of guppies.
Hi they could be, they would be from the kuhli loaches because guppies and platys are live bearers.
Can you get some pics of the eggs?

Also you should rehome the golden sucking loach as it is to agressive to live with your other fish, it may be ok at the min but they grow big and one day will start to kill your other fish, they are called chinese algae eater do some reading about them :good:

That loach will become aggressive and dominate the tank
They sound like snail eggs.


It would be incredibly rare to get kuhlis to spawn in a tank, and anyway they scatter small, greenish eggs, not stick them to the glass.
as it turns out they were snail eggs, and we have had my golden sucking loach for approx. 5-6 years, he has never been aggressive and my kuhlis seem to love him, they always hang around him and my baby platys and guppies sleep in the same area as him, but could he still turn out aggressive???
They do tend to get progressively more aggrssive as they get older, so yes; he could still turn out to be a problem for you...

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