
Bob marley

New Member
Jul 21, 2009
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My Jack Dempsey and Oscar i think have had eggs. ive noticed it today little white things about as big as a grain of sand probs just a incy bit bigger they are laid on a rock . ive also noticed my JD eating food and chewing it up and spitting it bak out around the eggs while my Oscar just sits there under the rock ive only had them for about 1 month they r around 5 or 4 cm big. help me thanks.
My Jack Dempsey and Oscar i think have had eggs. ive noticed it today little white things about as big as a grain of sand probs just a incy bit bigger they are laid on a rock . ive also noticed my JD eating food and chewing it up and spitting it bak out around the eggs while my Oscar just sits there under the rock ive only had them for about 1 month they r around 5 or 4 cm big. help me thanks.

Not sure what it is you're seeing, but they (Oscar & JD) will never breed together if I understand you correctly.... What other fish do you have in the tank???
Yep JD & O wont breed, plus at those sizes they arent mature enough.
i woke up dismorning and found my Oscar dead... the only other fish i have in the tank is a red tailed shark and a silver shark aswell as 4 guppies.
i woke up dismorning and found my Oscar dead... the only other fish i have in the tank is a red tailed shark and a silver shark aswell as 4 guppies.

You being serious here????..... An Oscar, Jack Dempsey with 4 guppies????
*raises an eyebrow at the guppies*

I know I have an Oscar in with guppies at work but thats only because Guppy babies fit through the weir filtration right down to the resevoir tank with the Oscar.... but i dont do it deliberately and expect them to survive! (They are.. there were so many babies the Oscar couldnt eat any more and he is too lazy to chase them!)

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