

Why am I browsing a fish forum at 2am?
Oct 28, 2003
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Camarillo, CA
The only thing in the tank are balloon mollies and neon tetras. What are these two things? My neons have been doing this weird thing where they swim right next to each other and another one comes in and makes a little sandwhich and they all swim right next to eachothers really fast. There has also been fighting. Could they be doing the "thing?"


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yes they did there thing :lol: congrats reminds me I got to do my thing :rofl:

just kidding :D
I have see neons lay eggs and thay fall to the ground.
So I don't think thay are neon eggs.
neon eggs are also very small about the size of a pin head.
Nope. I have a ten gallon with about 50 snails. Believe me, not snail eggs.
Neons are egg scatterers and Mollies are Livebearers so the eggs can only be the Neons. Becuase they are egg scatterers eggs normally fall to the floor but occasionally they can land on plants, so it is quite possible.
neon eggs are round and the eggs on the picture looks too big for neon eggs.
Thay also look to be stuck on the side of the leaf.

If thay are neon eggs thay will be dead eggs now.
As neon eggs must be kept in the dark.
Light kills the eggs.

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