

Jun 5, 2006
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Hi All,

I was feeding my fish earlier and found this nice little package stuck just inside the lid of the tank. I have got some apple snails in this tank, whilst their new home is cycling. I currently have Golden Apple snails, Blue, Dark Pink, Dark purple, Chocolate striped, Pink Striped and Ivory snails two of each kind. This is the first batch of eggs they have laid. Isn't that typical I was waiting for them start laying in their old tank and then just as I am getting their new home ready they decide to lay in their old tank.


So I take it that this egg sack was desirable? :p

I think you're better off getting some nori, some rice, and make some sushi. :beer: (only the last few seconds of this smilie apply [namely the tongue-rake across lips :p]).
Aww thats cool. Will you post pics when they hatch? I wanna see what colours they will be. :D
HI All,

Just a quick update. I lifted the lid on the tank to check on the eggs and found a second egg cluster. Although thses eggs are slightly larger than the first batch and a different colour, they appear to be more milky than the first batch. Going to do a bit of research and then see what happens. Excuse the quality of the photo.


Hi.. congrats on your eggs :)
Just to pint out, the first few batches dont always hatch. And even if you do get hatching ones, you rarley see them doing it. They tend to sneak out at night. Sometimes its hard to tell if they have hatched at all and the first you notice is some mini me's in your tank.. they are so cute :wub: Mine have been breading for 2 years now, and I have Ivory Chocolate, Jade, Classic apple, apple jade cross, striped caramel, stripped purple and pink. Some batches all the eggs hatch, and some non at all. Keeping the humidity high is important so try not to lift the lid too often. :good:
Congrats on your eggs, they both look like healthy egg clutches- just make sure you don't accidentally knock them as theycan be very fragile. You don't want them to get wet, but having the air slightly humid apparently helps :thumbs: .

Thanks for the replys I will keep posting and let you know what happens. Thanks for the interest.

Hi All,

I found a third cluster last night, will post a pic tonight. The other two seem to be doing O.K though.

Hi All,

I found a third cluster last night, will post a pic tonight. The other two seem to be doing O.K though.


thats great bet you are excited
im still waiting for mine to do something
think i have 7 all the same sex :hyper:

keep us posted :good:

Mine had loads of babies when the egg clutches hatched!!! They haven't stopped breeding since I got them which is why I had to get this tank set up just for snails!!! I hope that the pic works and that you can make out the tiny babies!!
Hi All,

Here is the third picture of the new egg cluster.


I cant wait to see what colour they are going to be.

Hi All,

Just a quick update. All three clusters seem to be doing fine with no visible problems, However I put a couple of the snails into my larger main tank and went to feed the fish this eveing and found another cluster of eggs attached to the underside of the lid.


From the colour of the eggs I am guessing that they must only be a couple of hours old as they were just starting to turn pink.

thats great
your going to be over run
well you can always send some my way :hey:

good luck cant wait to see what colour they are i want some blue :drool:

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