

Oct 5, 2005
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Edmonton , Canada
My fish have spawned, you can see below what fish I have in my 55g. After a recent drug treatment for camallanus worms I now see eggs in my tank. The eggs are about half the size of the corry eggs I’ve seen before. The eggs (I have only found a few) are attached to plants and the filter intake by thin thread like attachments; what fish would these be from?

I suspect my rummynose, but I do have my rasboras and rainbow fish in here too (I doubt the rainbows because they are not in very good shape, the worms were attacked them the worst)...

I have successfully moved the eggs to my 10g.... in a fish breeder "net type" thing...I cut the plants in my 55g to easily remove the eggs without damage. I had to get one of the filter intake, that was tricky.
If the eggs are attached to things by a fine thread then that would indicate Rainbow eggs.

Wow! I have only had eggs two times now;my corries, and now it seems my rainbows. Both times the spawning fish were very sick....Do fish lay eggs when they are sick, perhaps, feeling their time is almost up?
ok, I read that rainbow eggs (neons) take about 14 days to hatch....My eggs have hatched already! I only can see one fry now but there could be more. these eggs are 4-5 days old(They could be older if they were in my community tank for a while without me noticing them)....I am very curious what fish in my 55g they would be from....

One of these stamens below must be true, which one is?

1)rainbow eggs can hatch sooner than I read...

2) rummynose tetras can leave eggs attached via strings

3) my tiger rasboras might have spawned, I can not find much info at all on the breeding of these fish, someone at the fish store thought they were all wild caught..

I should add that this fry is free swimming and has no yolk sack attached, doesnt this mean "he" hatched at least 24hrs ago?

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