Hi , I have some drift wood in my tank with what looks like eggs on it. I am new and do not know what they are. The tank (21 gallon freashwater temp =24.5C)has: 2x indian flasher barb (denisons barb), 2x inlecypris auropurpureus(carp), two albinao cories, one red eye tetra, one white cloud minnow, one sailfin molly, two very small snails that came in on plants have been removed a few days ago. I have only had the barbs for 3 hours, and I have only had the two corries in the same tank for one day. (cories were in a different tank together for a a few weeks , then moved to a new tank one at a time a few days apart) My carps have been in the tank for only one week....The eggs look like about 15 tiny(less then one milimeter) green eggs with in a clear "slime bubble sack", the sack of slimy appearing stuff is about 3 milimeters long. Picture is the best I could get. any ideas!?...I cant seem to find where/how to attach my picture....(I have attached a pic before here...)