Eggs? on my tank wall?


Fish Crazy
Jun 16, 2004
Reaction score
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
Help... I dont know if they are eggs or something else. There are a lot of eggs or something else on the back wall of my tank behind some driftwood. Could they be either ghost shrimp eggs or snail eggs? All I have else is neon tetras in the tank. -_-
Hi Yeaulman :)

The most common eggs that people seem to unexpectedly find on the glass of their tanks are from cory cats or snails. Since you don't have cory cats in there, they are most likely from your snails.

What kind of snails do you have? :D If the eggs look like little dabs of gelatin with dots in it, and if you have pond snails, (the small snails that come in with plants), that's probably what they are from. Other kinds of snails look different though.
Hi Yeaulman :)

I can't help you very much with shrimp, put here's a link with information about ghost shrimp:

What I really would suggest you do is start a thread in the Invertebrates and Amphibians forum and mention Ghost Shrimps in the title. There are some members who post there that might be better able to advise you. :D

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