Eggs on a Log?


New Member
Sep 19, 2020
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Austin, TX
I just noticed these on the side of a big log in the middle of the tank. Any idea what they might be? Potential suspects are zebra loaches, Schwartzi corys, lemon tetras, cherry barbs, and some ancient red-eye tetras. I have noticed the loaches getting really frisky with each other since the last water change, but I'm not sure if that's spawning or just pushing each other around. I'm guessing the eggs will get eaten before they hatch, but you never know. I have spawned lemon tetras in a tank with loaches and kribensis.

(Should we have a single "what kind of eggs are these" thread? I didn't see one.)

I don't have any intentional snails ... that's what the loaches are for. Maybe the loaches are too well-fed and falling down on the job!
Are they in a blob of gel-like stuff? If they are, they're 'pest' snail eggs. Both ramshorns and physid snails pay eggs in gel.
Looks to me like snail eggs I have pond snails in all of my tanks and always have gel-like clusters.

1st pic is a fresh cluster
2nd pic is a mature one


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It does look kind of like gel, like in @MattW3344's photos, but it's in the middle of the tank, toward the back, so it's hard to get a great look or photo. If y'all think they're snail eggs, then that's probably what they are. The snails must be coming out at night when I'm not looking. It doesn't feel like we're being overrun, so the loaches must be keeping them in check. Hopefully, if these do hatch, the loaches will have a nice escargot snack. Thanks!

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