Eggs :) (now With Added Fry)


Fish Addict
Jun 14, 2007
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Okay so I just popped home from work to check I had turned the CO2 on my tank on (I had)
But noticed my cory Bronze/Albino has laid eggs ( only 7 ) they were bright white is it possible I disturbed them? and they will continue to lay more later? as I'm guessing they are freshly laid?

or do they lay 50+ in one hit? I hope not as it might mean my catfish had a feast..

p.s First fish eggs I have EVER had I'm so chuffed :)
They normally lay quite a few. My albinos spawned for the first time last week (although the father may have been a Panda...) and there were 30 eggs.
Well after I got home from work there was about 10 eggs left :(
I doubt I'll have any survivors from the batch but I can only hope.

I used a credit card to get them off the glass, is it common for people to end up having some get damaged whilst doing this ???

My only option is to use a fine mesh breeding net for them until they are no longer small enough to be eaten,

I have a heavily planted tank so hopefully some eggs might be elsewhere

I did notice weird behavior from my albino cory
it would kind of shimmy on the spot where the eggs were and also on a plant? what does this behavior mean

No eggs were coming out when being done,
Must have been empty. and I guess If I'm sucessfull I'll have some albino's about :)
Hopefully they spawn again in a few weeks.. as I only managed to get about 10 I think
of them 4/6 are brownish
Sorry for this bumb but....

My eggs have finally come alive I have 3 fry that I can see and could have another 6 maximum I think

but they are not in a seperate tank in a breeder net (fine material)
Next time (fingers crossed) when I spot the eggs I'll setup a seperate tank with a sponge filter.
But what has confused me is how do people get their tank ready so fast or do they use a tank not cycled...

and Im strugling with food .. I bought Hikari fish bites (for fry) but it don't sink that I have noticed..
so I crushed flakes up very fine and along with sinking food.... I'm worried they wont find food to eat
Congratulations of the fry!

You don't have to crush up the First Bites, just soak it in water for a bit then pour the resulting slurry into the tank. I turn off the air stone and filter a few minutes before I pour it in just to stop the circulation so that the food sinks to the bottom faster. When it's been down there for a couple of minutes I turn the air stones back on.

Wow so I spent ages trying to get them to spawn now they wont stop =0
I wonder if it's because they finally feel comfortable in my tank?

but my question is will the fry that are going to have a 3/5 be a risk to the Eggs/fry?

Also how would I maintain a cycled fry tank??

add ammonia/fish food peridoicaly (when no fry are present,
or should I keep part of the sponge inside my Cannister?

Just curious as I plan to make this easier for myself next time which currently I'm sure there will be hehe
p.s Does pets at home buy fish from people?

thanks in advance

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