Eggs disapearing


Fish Addict
Aug 9, 2004
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As you know my birstlenose are breeding.
The small male i have is the father.
Everytime i leave my room and come back the big male is in the cave where the eggs are!!! and leaves as i get back. what is he doing??? i have noticed that there is not as much eggs as b4.
is this normal?
If the big male is in the nest, it's likely that he's chasing the smaller male off and eating the eggs. Having just one male is usually better for success, since the females won't care, and the male can take care of the eggs more easily.
well the male has gone and the other female i have that is pregnant has her bum on the eggs... i dont know wot is happening. Hes going up and down a log pritty fast, i think he may just be eating.
Should i move the other male?
I would--male bristlenose can be very territorial. I know my large male dominates the younger males, and chases them away from his cave--he doesn't trust them at all. Females tend to lay in batches, 2-3 days apart, so she might be adding another batch. Is this the first clutch for this pair? If so, that might be part of the problem--they are still learning.
Yes this is the first batch. I'm putting the larger male into another tank on his own for the time being.

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