I added a couple of new fish to my tank today (Bolivian Rams) and whilst moving the decorations around I found a pile of yellow / orange eggs under some of my driftwood. I have 2 Butterfly Pleco's along with an assortment of Tetras, Oto's and some White Mountain Minnows, so I can only presume they are from the Pleco's. Needless to say, as soon as I saw the eggs (and one of the Pleco's refusing to let go of the wood) I put it back in the tank, as close to where it was as possible.
My question is, what do I do next? I am told they hatch after about 3-4 days. Can I use the separator net that I used to used for Liverbearers to keep the little ones safe, as I doubt they will be okay in the main tank (especially after the new additions). I bought both Pleco's quite small, before I knew which sex they were and I heard they were hard to breed, so the last thing I expected was eggs.
Thanks in advance for any help and replies.
I added a couple of new fish to my tank today (Bolivian Rams) and whilst moving the decorations around I found a pile of yellow / orange eggs under some of my driftwood. I have 2 Butterfly Pleco's along with an assortment of Tetras, Oto's and some White Mountain Minnows, so I can only presume they are from the Pleco's. Needless to say, as soon as I saw the eggs (and one of the Pleco's refusing to let go of the wood) I put it back in the tank, as close to where it was as possible.
My question is, what do I do next? I am told they hatch after about 3-4 days. Can I use the separator net that I used to used for Liverbearers to keep the little ones safe, as I doubt they will be okay in the main tank (especially after the new additions). I bought both Pleco's quite small, before I knew which sex they were and I heard they were hard to breed, so the last thing I expected was eggs.
Thanks in advance for any help and replies.