I didn't intend on breeding them,they just started a few weeks after i bought them back in August
So far i've got 6 10 wk old juvi's in the main tank,9 x week old in the fry tank(i did have 22 but sadly they died after a nitrite spike in the cory tank,think i overfeed them These were from two batches.)
Now i've got these 9 eggs starting to hatching,with 6 more new eggs i've just found 10 mins ago
I have an adult trio i think 2 females,one male which has been doing the spawning,plus 10 other leopards incl the juvis and 6 skunks,which i hope one day will start spawning
Well 8 hatched,one egg looks a bit fuzzy so doubt whether it will hatch.
But I also found another cory fry in the tank this morning,so i put it in with these
Well update they're all still with me,looks like the remaining egg is hatching,the fry is still half stuck in the egg at the moment,so hopefully it can fight its way out