
Dunno about over there VM, but typically it's cheapest from industrial lighting suppliers
ebay - koi filter grid

Theres something they use on celing which is very similar too, dont have a link though but have a search
From you lfs, mine sells it?
And why do they call it eggcrate? do people put loads of chicken eggs on it waiting to hatch or something like that?
Thanks Ben, Is the grid normally white?

Thanks John, No way am I paying Lfs prices, not sure why they call it egg crate, good question
white or black - both equally as common

tip though - buy the square holed one, not the diamond one. The square one leaves you with straight edges when cutting, far easier too
As Ben said, ebay the best place. Agree with getting the square shaped one too.
i don't know why it's called egg-crate, but i do know that american made cars in the 70s had egg-crate grills, which look similar.

maybe someone can dig up why they named that grill egg-crate.

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