EggBound **pics added**

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Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won'
Nov 19, 2004
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Birmingham, AL
Sao, my other chocolate MG crown girlie I got from Kelly is EggBound. She's just gotta be..I see no other explination.

I've been watching her for quite some time and she has been full of eggs for a month or so (might be closer to 2 now that I stop and think about it) and has yet to drop any (they are in a bare bottom I'd see them). I had a feeling it was headed this direction, but I kept reading where it was just so uncommon. -_-

Her gut is so swollen and now it's turned white, she's not eating, she's not swimming (I came in this morning to find her wedged between the front glass and the roots of a plastic plant..I thought she was dead actually...but when I touched her she wiggled up to the surface to catch a gulp of air).

She will struggle up to the surface and get a breath then just free fall back to the bottom, or just float head up and bob. I took her out of the main tank, put her in a beanie box, put in a big leafed plant, and she's laying on it now....she can just tilt her head up and get a breath if she wants one.


WHAT can I do to relieve this...I know it's those eggs...but I dunno how to get them out :-( . Her oviposter, instead of having 1 white spot..there are 2 I dunno what that egg sticking out or what. :unsure: :/ :(


SOMEONE who knows how to eliminate this HELP ...I don't want to lose another one...I lost her sister to something (still dunno really what went on there) and I'd rather her not die as well.
Have heard of putting eggbound females in sight of a male in the hope that they drop their eggs, but it could also sitmulate her to actually produce more eggs, thus making the problem worse :/

I wonder if a sort of enema would help? try feeding her peas or something that will make her go to the loo a little quicker than normal. I know its eggs that are bunging her up but wonder if making her evacuate her bowels will maybe help if there is a blockage or something that is stopping the eggs from dropping :dunno:

Sorry, can't think of anything else, hope someone else can help her.
i know this will sound probably stupid, haha i don't know much about bettas, let alone female bettas, but i saw on a show once a long time ago, abotu salmon (i know, different fish) and they squeezed the salmon to get the eggs out. i don't know if that's at all a possibility, might be kind of gross though.

again, please don't do this unless you check whether it can be done or not, because i have no idea, just trying to offer any assistance i can

good luck though!!!!
I had an eggbound female once and a friend of mine and myself decided to try squeezing....and it didn't work, it stressed her severely.

SRC, maybe try starving her for a few days,maybe even up to 5 or longer. But, being eggbound can lead to an internal bacterial infection, which is hard to treat so if you have some silver- use it now. Any bacterial med should work though. If you have some medicated food,that would be good,too.

The belly should go darker as it gets more severe so maybe you've caught it just in time.
Not the writer of this information below.

Egg Binding

Symptom: The fish is severly bloated in the belly only (not the whole body). The fish may also be lethargic, exhibit rapid breathing and have a loss of appetite. Egg binding can occur in freshwater fish during their spawning cycle. If a fish can not find a suitable mate, has been fed a poor diet, or if the tank or water conditions of the aquarium are not ideal for spawning, a fish may not be able to release its eggs.

Treatment: There is no medical treatment for egg binding. The only treatment for this is to let the eggs be naturally absorbed into the fish's body.This process can be aided with Epsom Salt soaks. Siphon a bucket of tank water and mix in one slightly rounded tablespoon of Epsom Salt for every gallon of water. Add an airstone, place the fish in the water, cover the bucket and allow the fish a 15 - minute soak. Repeat this this treatment daily until the fish begins to recover.
I gave her a salt dip this morning after I found her acting strange, she hadn't eaten since Thursday morning. I did my weekly tank clenaing Thursday afternoon before I left (usually do it on Friday's)

When I came back from Lunch..she was dead.

She was fine Thursday (I took a long weekend) when I left from she dies. I read where the belly should have gone darker when it was real bad..but instead hers turned white. How can I make sure this doesn't happen again to any of my other girls. I let them see the boys at least 3-4 times a week.

She was eating normally when I left and pooping just fine as well.

:sad: :-(

I dunno if the attachment will work..but I have 2 items circled that I really would like some comments to what that is.
Sorry bless her, can't help with the other question i'm afraid, R.I.P.
So sorry SRC.
I know she was dead when that picture was taken but....she looks rather C-shaped. Was this just the weight of her belly or did it only happen when she died?
Ah, poor love. :rip: I wouldn't have known what to do, the best I could think of was to spawn her and get rid of the eggs before they hatched. But, too late now, and I doubt it would have worked. Bye bye fishy :rip:
awww, bless her :(

It's hard to tell with the pics. I know doing a photo shoot of a corpse is kind of gruesome, but is she still around by chance. Can you get it clearer?

My first thought was Chilodonella

Are you sure the white color wasn't a grey slime? It might have been ectoparasites. Being eggbound shouldn't have killed her that quickly....?

Sarah~ I'm assuming the C shape is where she was curled, and her fins are behind here giving her a curvy appearance.
Wuv - that was my thought as well, as she didn't look like that in the original pictures but I thought I'd ask just in case.
Nope I have already gotten rid of her :(..I took so many pictures of that fish...I dunno what it is about her (and her sister) but that color (the color of the fish) just refused to come out very clear.

The curve is because she was dead, it wasn't there before.

The spots weren't slimey or's like her scales just turned white, maybe because she was stretched? I dunno.

See I dunno hwo long she's been eggbound though. I noticed she was fat and just never decreased about a month or so ago. I wasn't sure how long it should take for them to drop the eggs. I tried putting her where she could males..I tried several different ones too.

She wasn't flicking or rubbing on anything, wasn't breathing hard either. Just when I came in today I foudn her wedged between teh galss and a plant. Although after watching her and how she woudl swim to the surface then just free fall and land places (ie the pic of her hanging on by her ventrals in that one pic) she may have just landed like that and just not ever moved.

I will say this, her tummy was so swollen her ventrals were stiff (before she died).

I dunno...I'm at a total loss...which makes it worse, cas I didn't know what to do. :-(
So sorry you lost her SRC. Sometimes I don't see all the pages to a thread, I guess slow internet speeds where I am, and I didn't realize she was already gone when I posted. I hope you have much greater luck in future, that's got to be so discouraging. :(

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