I've heard that you can use boiled egg yolks to feed new born fry. Is this true? How do u prepare it? and do you have to feed anything along side of it? Thank you!
extract the boiled egg yolk form the boiled egg and mash it up with enough water so that it can be sprayed from a spray bottle, one yolk goes a long way. just spray on top of the water untill you think there is enough there to feed all your fry. keep the spray bottle in the fridge untill next use and shake well before use to ensure yolk and water are well mixed.
Here's what I do: Hard boil an egg. Eat the white and half of the yolk. Hehe. Take a small piece of the remaining yolk, about twice or thrice the size of a rice grain. Put the small pieces of egg yolk in a cup. Put the remaining yolk in a sealed container and refrigerate (should last for about two to three days). Back to the pieces of egg yolk in the cup. Add a tablespoon of water. Mash the egg yolk so that it mixes with the water. Get a medicine dropper, you know how to use it. I feed my 40+ fry around six drops of egg yolk solution twice a day. Haven't seen any casualties yet, and they're all doing great despite the putrid water they were forced to live in for a week. Some are growing rather fast. Be sure to syphon any leftovers. In my experience, Egg yolk can really foul the water. I didn't clean my fry tank for a week and when I had the chance to smell it I almost threw up. Hehe. Good luck.
Note: I just cut and pasted this^ from one of my previous posts, that was about two weeks ago. My fry have been feeding on egg yolk ever since they were free-swimming! They're three weeks old now and so far I've only had three casualties. I want to feed them something else, though, but I coudn't get my hands on other fry food.