Egg Update


"No one is a failure unless you try"
Mar 18, 2004
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ANOTHER FERTILE EGG!!!!!! It looks like she's planning to lay another tomorrow, too... wow! That'll be 9 eggs, counting the first two that broke! You can even see the fetus in the newest one... I saw its little heart beating :wub:
I can't help but smile everytime I read your post updates, you remind me of me when I first started with parrots .........each egg was just as exciting at the first for me.. Well Done! :good:
holy crap! how on earth is that tiny bird sitting on so many eggs?

My sentiments exactly. There's no way she can sit on 9 Eggs! Holy moly! Petri and Joule aren't Parrotlets, they're RABBITS!!!! I see dollar signs for Synirr! Fancy bettas, parrotlets, you'll be able to afford a Gala soon, if you keep this up!

Keep us posted, Synirr!

llj :lol:
She's only sitting on 6 eggs, the first two broke and apparently she is done laying after all now... 4 babies on the way ^_^
She is using her whole body to incubate them, she's a very good mommy bird.
The eggs still look good, we should see the first one hatch any day now! :D

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