Egg Spawn But All The Fish Are Livebearers


Fish Herder
Sep 28, 2007
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Hi all ive got some sort of clear egg spawn in my tank some under the filter and some on a leaf its clear at the moment, now im lead to beleive all my fish are live bearers as i have platys and guppys there is only one im not sure about as it looks like neither of the two, i do have some snails but this is definately a fish spawn



This is the fish ive seen hanging around the filter and doesnt look like a guppy or platy
Seeing more and more of these little egg sack things around the tank they are clear with little tiny specs in them you recon they could be snail eggs ive removed the two larger snails and i am only left with 1 snail the smallest of the 3 there just seems to be too many of these egg sacks around and they are too larged to of come out of the snails any other ideas what they could be ?
ye if their in jelly like stuff it's snails

As for the fish it looks funny not quite what it is, can you try to get a clear pic? believe me i know how difficualt that is to get.
"definitly a fish spawn" and you have snails in the tank? hmmmm, proof is in the pudding, let's see!
Ive got the same issue atm, assumed it was a snail but struggled to believe a single snail could lay eggs :S lol
Seeing more and more of these little egg sack things around the tank they are clear with little tiny specs in them you recon they could be snail eggs ive removed the two larger snails and i am only left with 1 snail the smallest of the 3 there just seems to be too many of these egg sacks around and they are too larged to of come out of the snails any other ideas what they could be ?

You'd be surprised how many eggs can come out of one tiny snail. It's not unusual for snail eggs to look like they couldn't have fitted in the parent. Snails often have a very quick recovery time between one batch of eggs and the next. They're egg-laying machines once they're mature. Some snail species don't need a partner and those that do can sometimes produce eggs for years with stored sperm, so seperating them will not help. You might have thought guppies were bad, but that's nothing compared to snails.

You either want a snail that won't reproduce well in the aquarium (most nerites) or lays eggs in a handy place (apple/mystery snails lay above the waterline). Snails that lay eggs on your plants in large numbers will soon overrun the tank.
I was told to buy a clown loach to eat the new snails
only if you have a big enough tank! clown loaches can grow quite big. and as several people have said, you shouldn't really buy a fish just because it performs a certain function. Only get fish that you actually want! (although i believe marine tanks might be an exception to this, with cleanup crews etc.)
ha once youve got snails thats it...might remove one but could have had eggs in the filter also gravel anywhere....boy they breed like wild fire...yest i removed about 50 or more then gave up picking them.....never goner rid of them :crazy:
Yeah i can see now that it is more than likely snail eggs ive removed the biggest snail and im going to deal with all the egg sacks by phsyically removing them why havent the fish eaten them thought it would of been a delight for them to eat they seem to eat everything else that floats along
ye it's a platy but sadily it's looking very thin which is why it was confusing at first
Funny you should say thin out of all the fish in the tank this one eats the most and always has never stops infact it wont turn down a meal the mickey mouse tail platy im coming to beleive she is pregnant and she has almost double in size and is much bigger than she was

Her body structure and side thins are completely different and the male platy shows no interest in her at all infact rarely goes near her only if there is food on the go
Snail eggs. A lone snail can lay a ton of eggs.

DO NOT get a clown loach to get rid of them. It is terrible advice based on your tank size. Clown loaches can get to be a foot long and the small ones will quickly get to be 5-6 inches. They need a tank near 100 gals for long term care.

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