Egg Layers


Fish Fanatic
Dec 5, 2005
Reaction score
peterborough, ENGLAND
im setting up a new tank soon with java moss and a kinda plant screen try keep bigger fish out but will corys and khulie loach still get into the moss and eat eggs and fry??? as i really want to try and breed some tetras. or any other fish that decide to have a go in me tank???

current list

5 serpais
3 black widow/skirts
4 danios
1 sucking loach
and my 3 glass cats

wot i want to add to tank,

4-5 khuli
1 sucking loach
2 glass cats
a couple of YO-YO loach (get rid of pesky snails)
2 widows

and thats bout it for now

i have green babomba as the kinda of guard wall to nursery section

also have small algarde 5 gallon tank and heater to use for baby fish if i have to rescue em can u get nets with small enuff mesh to catch the fry if i need to??
anybody?????? or there diff section forums this would get more advice???? if so could a mod move it with right threads save me having 2 the same

Your fish will find and eat eggs and fry. The fry of egglayers are not very well formed at hatching, and not able to escape predation . To breed egglayers with any degree of sucess, you will need special breeding tanks.
The fry of egg layers also grow a lot slower then that of live bearers, which also puts them in danger of being eaten or being killed by the filter. Like LL said, its better to raise them in another tank. Thats what I have done so far with my cory fry. The best way to do it is to put the breeding pair or pairs into a seperate tank, condition them, and once they lay the eggs move them out.
Of the fish you have there, the danios will probably be the easiest to breed. Glass cats have not as far as I know been known to breed in captivity, khuulies do so only rarely, don't know how the serpas and black widows add up but imagine they are sort of middlingly difficult, danios are supposed to be fairly easy as egglayers go. You will need spawning tank with enough room for them to spawn (and a lid in case they get overexcited), Java moss sounds good, parents to be removed after spawning. And then you need time and energy (and fryfood) to look after tiny fry and keep them fed and their water clean.
yeah my danios breed once already i didnt even know i had a plastic rock in their old tank didnt clean it out straigt away and went to do it couple days later and see loadsa baby fish but unfortunately put them in with other fish to soon thinking like livebearers they probably b safe but me big widow tetra got em, later today am getting bigger tank for existing fish so old tank will be for breeding its 2ft by 1ft and 15" high (13gal i think)

the glass cats i wanna try first i might read up on wot conditions they need in wild and try to get close to that be hard work and if it detrimental or likely to stress the fish than i wont do it, but if i can breed them i b well chuffed i take lot of time setting it uprght though b4 i add them to it,

if they dont work i might try me tetras or even the khulis seem tempting but i see how it goes. but the glass cats me first ones i try cos they take the most time so than if it dont work after i wasted couple mths doing that than i try something bit better
the glass cats i wanna try first i might read up on wot conditions they need in wild and try to get close to that

Yes, that has got to be the way forward. I think the main reason for their not breeding is that their behaviour in the wild is not understood clearly enough. The khuulies would certainly also be worth trying; I have read that they are getting rare in the wild, so that is one fish we should be trying to breed.
well i got me 22 gal tank today so once the fish have moved in im left with their old 15gal for breeding and i gotta 5gal could that be used for cats or khuli??? or to small?? might just keep the 5gal as fry tank cos would b ideal til grew big enuff

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