Egg laden shrimp


Fish Addict
Feb 5, 2003
Reaction score
London, UK
Noticed that one of my shrimp is very heavily laden with eggs and I managed to get a reasonable pic. I should have cleaned the outside of the glass first though....


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Wheee! That's a sweet shrimp !!! I love shrimps! Too bad the two shrimps I had didn't survive. I think they didn't like the food I was serving.
Hi Nallen,

I have these shrimp in their own tank - about half a dozen or so. They get fed a few Hikari Crab Cuisine pellets evey other day (or so) and feed off the algae as well. Haven't had much success keeping them for any length of time in a mixed tank as they seem to get eaten. The only other shrimp I have that has survived is a massive (3"+) armoured shrimp which only comes out at night.

Cheers, Eddie
Wow nice pic!! :D What will the mom do with the eggs (like scattering them with the water current or lay on plants)?
William - yup, ghost shrimp. Although depending on the LFS you go to they are glass shrimp, river shrimp, amano shrimp, yamatoto shrimp.....

Feline - the female has carried eggs on several occaisions before but I've never seen any young. The following is from a good shrimp site:

The female will carry the eggs in her pleopods for about 3 weeks, then the tiny fry will hatch in their primitive form.

Raising the fry, is extremely difficult if not impossible. They will need very specialized tiny foods that are not easily obtained, and the fry can be so small they are almost, if not totally, invisible to the eye.

Cheers, Eddie

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