Egg Laden Bn?


Fish Crazy
Dec 23, 2009
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Ive got a pair of bristlenoses male and female recently moved them into the same tank where in separate ones before, just noticed she is pretty fat, but its not over feeding nothing else in the tank looks overfed have a betta, 17 cories tetras and some shrimp. Whats the chance they will breed soon?

yeh i will sort one out, cheers ill have a look

Ive got a pair of bristlenoses male and female recently moved them into the same tank where in separate ones before, just noticed she is pretty fat, but its not over feeding nothing else in the tank looks overfed have a betta, 17 cories tetras and some shrimp. Whats the chance they will breed soon?


Given they have a place to spawn and feel comfortable doing so then breeding is probably a definite, very easy to breed... basically need a female and male and water lol that's how easy they can be. The introduction of a male or a female to a male will probably be the reason she is gravid. If they don't feel comfortable and the time isn't right the female will just absorb the eggs and gravy (if that's makes sense lol) up again.

Good luck and yes put a couple of caves in and keep your fingers crossed :)
I put in one of my siphons (disconnected tube obv) for the cave after lookin at stones topic, nothing happened but today got some new wood so moved a bit of my old wood and wow yellow eggs and 2 plecos :lol: so replaced it how big are the fry when they hatch??
:shout: lool, are they likely to get eaten by corys?

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