Egg Id Please


Fish Fanatic
Jan 4, 2009
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Hi, ive noticed some eggs plastered on one side of the tank. I have a feeling its some of my peppered cories but am unsure!
Its a rubbish picture, and my tank is in a corner so i cant shoot the side that currently has all the eggs on it, so here is one on its own.
Also, my camera doesn't have a macro function before anyone asks! And the flash was needed, so the egg looks dark but it is actually white!


Sorry for the rush, but i saw it a few minutes ago and needed to ask due to excitement!
Also, i have neon tetras, swallow rasboras and pygmy cories aswell as the peppered!
It couldnt be pest snails could it?
Hi mcgrimes :)

They are most likely from your peppered corys if you have mature ones. Once they start, you are likely to see more from time to time. :D
Cheers guys!
I hope your right inchworm! :)
They are a pain to get off the glass, i had a try at the one in the picture and was unable to remove it! And all the others are on a side of glass next to the wall witch means i cant see what im doing properly! Any ideas how to get them off better? Im dubious to using the razor blade method because i cant really see, and if they ever lay on the front of the glass, it wouldnt work due to the bow front! :(
Hi mcgrimes :)

Moving eggs just takes practice and luck. When they are freshly laid they will be very soft and easy to crush. After a few hours they firm up, and this is the best time to move them. They will be sticky and you can roll them off the glass onto your finger, and then onto the glass in another tank or container. After a few hours more they will lose their stickiness and be tougher but much harder to work with.

I'll move this thread over into the Corydoras section and perhaps the other members will give you some more advice. :D

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