
Fish Fanatic
Sep 12, 2004
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HI i have found some eggcrate in my basement and i was just wonderin if there is any way you can use in in ur aqarium (ex UGF or divider....) :dunno:
Congradulations on the find...I guess you could make a table cloths and turn it into some sort of doll furniture if thats what tickles ur fancy ;) I really dont know wat to say tho :rolleyes:
mwm said:
Congradulations on the find...I guess you could make a table cloths and turn it into some sort of doll furniture if thats what tickles ur fancy ;) I really dont know wat to say tho :rolleyes:
you are so different on this forum lol
Now if this was 'Blue Peter' they would be making planes and ships with it :nod:

Whats egg crates?
i think he is saying he found styrafoam eggcrates?!? ive herd of them being used for DIY undergravel but i woldnt sugest it. ugf is a bad idea, it hides the nasties insteed of removing em.... you could try recycleing the eggcratres! :D
If it's the egg-crate I think you are talking about (hard plastic, found in hardware stores) you can use it for several things. Dividers, reef racks (what I'm making right now! :p), etc. :thumbs:
Eggcrate is a white plastic mesh used mostly in marine tank. You could make a divider as long as the fish can't get through the holes. as for an under gravel filter, I'd stick with the normall UG plates.



ste :)

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